Sunday, March 26, 2006

Now and Why

So there's this guy , see, and he spray paints the word "now" on a few driveways and then walks into a house party and starts blazing away with two firearms. Fuck.

Why did he do this? Perhaps a reason will be found, perhaps not. There will certainly be plenty of guesswork, rumours and speculation.

Here in Fallentown, 2006 started with a murder spree, including the murder of my old business neighbor and her entire family. This town was full of bullshit rumours and media asswipes intent on causing pain for the victim's families and friends. It turned out that she and the others were killed by total strangers for no reason.
For no fucking reason.

Anyway. Back to the now.

Given the theme of the party, I'd wager that many links- spurious or not - will be made between this incident and video games, heavy metal music, horror movies and so on.
The fact that marijuana was present will no doubt receive some play as well.
(Hmm... just clicked on the TV and there's nothing on this story- amazing, since this is the kind of story cable news loves-oh there's a NASCAR death... maybe the families of the Seattle victims will be granted some reprieve. It's probably a media shitstorm in the NW). Nevermind. it's everywhere...sheeesh. *click*

Maybe the investigators will find a twenty-page expository text in which the killer details the motivation for his actions -probably not- but that doesn't really matter now.

Because there can't be a reason.
There never is.


Middle Child said...

I'm staying here in the Australian countryside with the two red kelpies to guard me...

em0 said...


Susannity said...

no notion on the motivation for the murder spree on capitol hill up here in seattle as of last night. it was post-rave, so it might have been pharmaceutically induced who knows. the part i found interesting is the collection of people that gathered at the house, and the youngest victim was only 14.

Allan said...

It is numbing.