Saturday, March 25, 2006

Picture, Words, Sounds

This is a picture I took in Chicago in 2002. The actual globe isn't much larger than a basketball.

Here is a song I recorded in 2001. I'd just had my heart broken and was all lamenting and stuff. Actually, I was so stoned I barely remember playing it but I guess I was sad since I'd been dumped. Doesn't really matter now.

And another song, this one from 2000. I had been arrested for pot and was attending bullshit pot addict meetings in order to score brownie points at my upcoming trial. It worked. I didn't get sent to prison but I did get to go to lot of meetings and piss in front of a lot of cops.
My probation officer told me to just have a few beers if I started having marijuana cravings.

Five years later I almost died of alcoholism.


Amy said...

irony is so ironic... innit? aye.

thanks for the links...


Allan said...

Thanks for listening. Not all my stuff is like that-don't know why I linked those.

It's weird- I'm not very creative when I'm happy (unless that happy state is a direct result of the creative process).

I'm usually too busy with whatever is making me so happy to actually get any work done.

I suppose I'm equating happiness with love in some way, which is probably a mistake... but I'll be boiled in earl before I put any happy love poems on the internet.

Not after last time.