Thursday, March 09, 2006

Random Kindness

I drove to work this morning and forgot change for the toll, so I found myself queued in the sluggish Full Service lane. I didn't care. The later I get to work, the better.
When I finally got to the booth the attendant informed me that the car in front of me had paid my toll. Howzat? Alrighty!

Ahead of me, an arm waved out of the driver's window of a non-descript, unfamiliar little white car. Who is that?

Thanks to my Mystery Person I am 50 cents wealthier today and possessed with uncharacteristic benevolence towards humanity. Now is the time to ask me for favors.

Someone will soon surely fuck up my good mood , so you'd better hurry.


Amy said...

Oh, this is cool… like I’ve found a genie in a bottle – do I get three wishes??

Susannity said...

that was cool of that person. =) reminds me of that movie "pay it forward" or something similar to that.

Allan said...

S-that was cool! Set the tone for a pretty decent day. Tonight though... well, I'll tell ya later. Should be amusing.

A- Why is it always three? Have four. Indulge yourself!