Monday, March 06, 2006

Getting There

Geez, I've been out of sorts lately. My job's a drag, weekend plans fell through, boo hoo, what ya gonna do? I've been feeling a heavy and unwarranted melancholia lately. An hour, even a day of this immersive, elusive sorrow can be sweetly pleasant in a beautiful sad way; days on end, however, are not. No real reason for this feeling either, but that doesn't make it less potent.
Having my personal emails converted into a web site was a wee bit disconcerting, I admit, but I think I've got that figured and it's kinda a nice thing. Or was , until I ruined it. No biggie. I've ruined better things for less reason.

Today was a good day though. The servers at work went down, so all I did was surf and blog. I made a new pal- Amy over at A.D.R. -her link is on my sidebar. She's got a writer's eye and quite by accident provided a little bump in my spirits just when I really needed it. Good blogs!
Moving on...

Tonight I met with the owner of this studio.
He asked me if I wanted to sit-in on one of the classes he teaches- and then called on me to answer questions that his pupils couldn't. He was testing my knowledge! Sneaky. I like that.

Well, when it comes to audio I know more than I thought I did, and I know a lot. It's amazing how stuff you thought you'd forgotten can suddenly flood your lobes with rememberance. Wow. I could teach this class. I do it at the station for free- it never occured to me that I could get paid for this.

I may wind up doing just that. I'll be doing some intern work first- so I can prove my skill and get up to speed on their state-of-art studio. It's a big step up from my beloved WRIR studio- a great chance to learn a lot of new stuff and perhaps even *gasp* get out of the damncube world forever.

Things look good.
I resolve to cheer up.


Susannity said...

That would be turning your passion into a job and that's what all the peeps and books on success say is the way to go. So few get that so it would be totally kick arse if you make that happen. I am crossing my appendages that it works out for you!

I'll go check out Amy's blog.

Allan said...

I am brimming with cautious optimism. Burnt before, maybe this is real. Gonna find out.

Amy said...

making money doing something you love... novel idea... i wonder if it is possible... in my more pessimistic moments - when i am thinking how to pay for my cobra insurance plan - i wonder - and then i can hear myself saying - 'would you like fries with that' or 'would you like to biggie size that' and i feel a little sick-ish... or a lot sick-ish... HA!

thanks for the bloggy nod very nice of you -

and also... hello to you susanne - i see you have another blog too, i'll have a look-see

Susannity said...

Amy, I don't have another blog anymore. I used to blog, but I only have a finite amount of time for blogging and so I use that time now to read and comment on blogs. Too many good bloggers were giving up their blogs because not enough were reading and commenting, so that is now my mission hah! Allan is a dear and lets me post my rants when the mood strikes me. =)

Allan said...

In other words, Susanne is WAY cool.