Wednesday, August 04, 2004

More Paranoia (Or Is It True?)

How come all the neat tools , like italics, font size and hyper-links are not available when I blog from work? Am I not supposed to be doing this?

Trying hard to whip myelf into a panicky, fear-filled froth, and doing a pretty good job of it too. When I start feeling a false sense of placid security I like to think about Chemtrails. Just mentioning Chemtrails is a sure-fire way to invite trouble from DoD spooks.
Chemtrails are the visible signs left by the U.S. military's secret Aerosol Jet Program. They look like normal vapor trails (contrails) at first, but instead of dissipating quickly, they slowly expand into cloud like masses, all the while raining microscopic particles of god-knows-what on the earth.

You can spot them by their unusual criss-cross pattern, and long dispersal time. Look up. See?

Why? Who knows? Some speculate that it's part of a long-running campaign to change global weather patterns for some undisclosed nefarious purpose. Others think that we are being subtly controlled by a host of psychotropic substances.

Perhaps they are using Barium to sicken and weaken entire populations. Chemtrails have been sighted in Afghanistan, Iraq ,North Korea and Iran.

Of course, one of the sites I just visited claims to have seen Chemtrails in the little blue boxes on Jeopardy and the background of ABC news.

My favorite theory is that we are being plied with conductive materials (aluminum and othe ,heavier and possibly radioactive metals). The CIA is big on researching behavior modification through electrical transmissions- if the masses are turned into recievers, they will be easier to control. The huge popularity of cell-phones has given them a cover for putting broadcast towers everywhere.

As far as conspiracy theories go, this one has it all: Secret Evil Government, Global Domination, Mind Control, Strange Sights in the Skies,Cell-Phones and Mad Scientists.

A classic! Google it.

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