Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Who Reads This Crap Anyway? -or- My Blog is a Babe Magnet

I'm always glad when someone leaves a comment. I wish more people would. I even enjoyed the ego-boost I got from the death-threat emails last summer. I must be hot shit for someone to CAPS LOCK and go !!!!!! a lot.

If you blog, you know what I mean. Got one of those free, eerily inaccurate meters? I do.
Using it, contacts from my Federal days and the I Ching video game, I have determined that I have two types( not mutually exclusive) of visitors/readers:

A) Sad Grade C search engine pervs. A while back I wrote about a friend's band called 'The Strap-Ons'. I still get disappointed traffic on that. Likewise for 'beheading videos'. I'd wager that posting a rant about 'consensual necrophilia' would result in a baker's dozen of hits. Sick puppies.

B) The smartest, most creative and fascinating women I've ever not met. (In person-except once, but her boyfriend was so cool I really cannot be jealous). Just follow the links on the right ,then check the comments. You'll find some good stuff.
It seems like women blog better-it's probably because they are smarter. I could be wrong, but I don't think so. Check the links. Read carefully. Repeat.
Drawn in by words spelled out by eyelid pictures.

I can't get my twin brother to read my blog. I can't get my best guy friends to read. They just roll their eyes and look exasperated when I mention it. They used to watch my lousy bands play in shitty lifespan-reducing smokey clubs , but they can't take five minutes to check out my web-drivel.

Of course, there are exceptions. Nick, Can-o, Jerky, et. al. ...you know who you are.

Gratitude and best New Year stuff to everyone who reads this.
Extra-thanks to those whose blogs and mail I have enjoyed.



Lyzard said...

Your blog is such a babe magnet. I am honored to be the first babe on the list o' links!

Cheers to a plethora of new babes finding out what us "old babes" already know - Allan rocks the Casbah!

Allan said...

You should be first. The first thing I saw on blog was your chest tattoo. Inspiring, it was.
Blog. It's cheaper than crack and smarter than Everquest.

Canopenner said...

Im not in either catagory but I think my blog is a babe magnet too.

Theres alot of fascinating women bloggers...Or maybe Im just infatuated with women in general.

If you link me in Ill link back and come in more often to comment.

Allan said...


Canopenner said...

cool Im on it...

I need to clean up my links page anyway...

bunch of dead people on there.

the hun said...

Thanks, I guess I fall into one a them thar cat-ee-gories. But: women are not smarter than men I hate when men say that. Equality = equality = state of being equal in most things including brainpower.

There are more good female bloggers because there are more female bloggers.

There are more female bloggers because there are less published female writers - and more women in shit jobs where they have time on they hands to blog. It's just a sign of the times.

the hun said...

Oh yeah, and you can not IMAGINE how many hits my blog gets from people looking for thehun.com. I had no idea when I picked this moniker but there you go.

Allan said...

I didn't mean to imply that all women were smarter than all men-just that the 'babes' who read my babblings are smarter than the guys who don't.
As I said, I cannot convince my closest male relatives and friends to even look at my blog.
I meant to insult them, not women.

Weird search engine hits? It's an insight into Google fetishism.

farmer chica said...

I don't think many of my friends read my blog either... not sure what I'd attribute it to. Or maybe they read it and think me shriller than they had expected! (I'm learning that I use both blogging and driving a car to vent frustrations that I tend to keep bottled up otherwise. Blogging definitely seems a healthier option.)

I'm honored to be on your blog roll... and likewise very happy whenever you leave a comment for me! I'll try to be a better fellow blogger (what's the feminine for fellow... fellaw?) and comment on your posts more as well.

Craig Wilkey said...

You should write a post about pre-pubescent Japanese School girls and see how many sick fuckers you can catch with THAT bait on the end your line.

Susannity said...

none of my friends or family reads my blog because i don't tell them about it. the only exception is my husband.

you and dialogic are my most fav blogs that i've run across and you're both male. =)