Tuesday, February 22, 2005

In Defense of Bloggers

Note: I first posted this 8/20/2003, but somehow it seemed relevant, if not prescient.

It doesn't exactly shock me that many in the mainstream media consider bloggers to be "exhibitionists" , uninformed, "self-absorbed" etcetera, but it's hard to take their criticism seriously after watching CNN's breathless coverage of Paris Hilton's missing dog or Fox News' lurid and downright embarrassing speculation about a Kerry/Edwards homosexual relationship.These people call bloggers ignorant blowhards and then proceed to get 'talking points' from the Drudge Report and Wonkette.
Hmm...maybe they do have a point.

I will respond to some of these charges.

Exhibitionists: I spent over a decade playing music for audiences- any audiences I could scrounge up, anywhere, anytime. Of course I'm an exhibitionist! So fucking what? (At least I'm not posting nude photos on the web or flashing old ladies at the nursing home). I'm also painfully shy in real life (unless I'm drunk) , so music and blogging let me express myself with considerably less restraint than water-cooler chats and awkward dinners with near-strangers (read:relatives) allow.
I can only speak to my own motives, but I wager I'm not alone in this.

Uninformed: After a week of watching cable news I learned a lot. I learned that if an attractive ,middle-class white woman gets murdered by her husband, or raped by a celebrity, it's 'Breaking News' over-and-over again , but if the same thing happens to a poor black woman it's fine print in the crime log on page 13 of section B in the local newspaper. I learned that a drunken bear warranted ninety seconds of precious airtime, which is fifty-five seconds more than Afghanistan, Haiti, Sudan and Venezuela combined received.
Flood the airwaves with trivial bullshit and then call your viewers ignorant? Gotta admit, it's crafty strategy .

Self-Absorbed: I spend 40+ hours a week alone in a damncube where I'm not even allowed to read a book, despite having no work to do. Amazingly, it tends to make me a little introspective. But so what? I enjoy reading other people's "self-absorbed" postings. Maybe someone got a giggle out of watching rich kids frolic in her boyfriend's vomit-I can sit here,in utter isolation, and have a giggle too. Perhaps another person just had a normal day, but is feeling happy. It reminds me that such a thing is possible for me as well. Even when someone shares a truly sad tragedy, it makes me think about things that I normally try to avoid, things that I should think about. Sometimes I even get someone to laugh, which is one of the main reasons I blog. It's not such a selfish endeavor when you look at blogging this way.
Tip o' the glass to bloggers!


Canopenner said...

Tip o' the glass to you!

Lyzard said...

I keep hearing Matt Dillion's rendition of Neal Cassady from the "On the Road" audiobook in my head as I read this, "Yes, yes."

I shall respond to the charges as well.

Exhibitionist: Abso-fucking-lutely.

Most of my life I have been an emotional flasher. I throw open the overcoat around my heart, mind, and Self for a split second... then run off, thrilled from sharing and terrified of hearing the observor say, "Is that all you got?"

My original intention for blogging was to do just that, only improved. I get to "flash" the world. I was utterly confused and pleasantly surprised when I realized that this Self of mine I have been sharing, was accepted and appreciated by people who happened to catch a glance. As a result, I have gained a new respect for my Self.

Uninformed: I acknowledge that I am uninformed when I choose to be. By which I mean, if I reach that point where I can no longer face the world because the people in it keep mutilating it and each other. I turn into myself for a bit. I search to remember what it is about this world that spurs me on, keeps me caring, when the people in it disgust me, disappoint me, and break my heart daily. BUT during these times, I do not claim to know exactly what's going on.

In fact, I post far less politically than most bloggers... mainly because I believe myself to be uninformed, or at least misinformed. I know that every piece of news I read is biased to one degree or another. for this reason, I accept that my concept of what is actually happening needs to be malleable to be accurate.

I also know that the people who don't care enough to find the truth on their own, will not benefit from me telling them what it is. On occasion, I cannot contain myself and will draw attention to something I think others should read.

So, the short answer is Yes, I am at least misinformed, if not uninformed on most subjects. Anyone who believes themselves to be otherwise is subject to suspicion in my eyes.

What was the last one, oh yes... Self-Absorbed. Well, come on. Admit it, if you were ME, you'd be self-absorbed too. :)

Susannity said...

emotional flasher - i like that. I'm not blogging anymore, but i am very open about my beliefs etc with anyone so i guess i too am an exhibitionist.
i strongly disagree with the misinformed aspect. i find many bloggers to be very informed on whatever topic they choose to blog about, whether it be music, politics, religion, what-have-you. i also find that taking the time to coalesce and write up a blog entry takes discipline and thought, something most don't take the time to do. they may believe something, but if you ask them why, they give you the deer in the headlights look. so while i find some bloggers just rant in stream of consciousness or some that aren't informed about what they are discussing, there are more informed bloggers presenting ideas than i see "informed" newscasts by "respectable" newspeople.
there are some newsfolk i really enjoy like bill moyer (who's retiring sniff sniff) but i do wish we could have meaningful discussion and presentation of information rather than celeb gossip or titillating stories in the news. of course i wish congress had true debate on the floor too, but since that's not reality, i'll take a good blog any day.

Allan said...

the good ones are always taken...eh?