Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Back To Normal

I'm glad that you didn't read the last post. I should never write about things that make me happy. I'm a bit confused by that whole set of situations, so later for it. I just hope I don't horribly fuck-up and ruin everything.

I'm not the least bit confused about how much I hate my job. They've got Monday Morning Buzz-Kill down to a science at Bank of Generica. Today , I'm assigned a new task: handling appraisal issues. I know nothing about this, and I don't think I can BS my way through it either.

"Boss, I don't know anything about appraisals. At all."

"It's simple. Just answer the emails and give them the info they need."

Sure. OK. Fine.

Oh, hell. Is it normal to have almost 200 emails in less than an hour? My very first mail, from a muckety-muck Bank Boss , was pretty much this:
" Please call personal banker and have them contact borrower regarding contacting appraiser and agent for re-scheduling of missed appointment between agent and appraiser."

What? Shouldn't the people making commissions on these loans be doing that? I hate Big Boss's who insist on passing the simplest tasks through the most convulted pipeline imaginable.
This is how you buy a house? I'm amazed that we aren't all homeless. I've never seen such a screwed-up lack of workflow anywhere, ever. I'm swamped with mail for loans that are being handled in other places. I'm being asked for codes and valuations and very specific surveying info, none of which I have access to.

"Boss. I can't deal with this."


"Look", I say. He watches my inbox as it grows, every third second or so.

"Shit, they shouldn't be routing that to us at all, much less to you. We don't do that part here."

So he calls someone. After an hour or so, the torrent of email slows a bit. I have to examine every contract, find out where it should have been sent to, and forward it on. I'm advised this may take a week or more, which is just fucking great, since that's about how far behind I am already.


Susannity said...

I bought some bonds - 0% coupons through BofA. The terms on the bonds were they guaranteed my minimum investment and were tax free. One of the bond holders called in one of the bonds right after I bought it and so they write me a check for less than my principal. I had to call them and say "um, I'm guaranteed my minimum principal even though it was called so soon at less". They fixed it, but it made me wonder what these financial "professionals" bloody do. Aren't THEY supposed to keep track of this shit so I don't have to? Yikes.

Susannity said...

ps - i did read the last post. just didn't comment cause couldn't think of anything to say except wtg lol.

Allan said...

What the "pros" do is attempt to seperate citizens from as much their money as possible, using under-trained temps and an awe-inspiring number of unneccesary steps as possible. This place gives chaos a bad name.

Herself said...

i didnt read it but im going to now