Monday, September 12, 2005

How I Almost Died , But Didn't Pt.1

I can only write this in parts. I'm too fatigued to do otherwise.

MON: I'm sitting in Scam Class when I feel something really wrong happen in my guts. It feels like Alka-Seltzer and thumbtacks. It gets really hot and I starting sweating. Classmate Teetha asks me if I'm OK. I can only groan. She asks me if I wanna Advil. It would go down like gravel.
Moan. OOhh...
Teetha stands up and announces to the class in general, "Hey, Allan don't look so good. I'm worried about him!"
Sub-Teacher asks me some question. She's asking me if I can talk. My silence speaks volumes.
Instead I make a questioning 'leaving' gesture.
Imagine converting an Iron Maiden into an automobile. Every bump, every stop, every turn,nail, nails nails. Throw spill some cat food in the vicinity of the dishes. Lose the work shirt. Collapse on bed.
The pain eases and I realize I'm very tired. Taking a nap seems like a good idea.
When I wake up I feel a little funny. Dizzy and sick. Rush to the toilet!
Splash everything with blood.
Blood? Black blood. I'm still in shock about this when here comes some more.
More blood. The floor , the walls the tub-it's a mess in here.

Suddenly, the spasms ease. I'm shaky , but it feels like maybe I'll make it. I'm very thirsty.
Knowing that cold water is hard on the stomach, I start with tiny sips of room temp H2O.
For an hour or so I feel ok. Probably food poisoning.

Waves of black blood fill my mouth. It's thick and bitterly metallic tasting, with the just the wrong amount of bile. I'm convinced that I'm dying.
I decide to drive myself to hospital in order to save on ambulance fees. It's now after midnight so I run every light and sign on the way ,Honk! HoNK!HONK!

Stagger into the ER. Hurl blood.
No one even asks me to register-I just hand my wallet to a nurse and I'm rushed into a bright shiny place. I think i'm floating in water. I wish it wasn't so loud in here. What's everyone yelling about?
They're yelling about me!
I'm flattered. A nurse leans down.
I think she's going to kiss me.


Herself said...

holy crap i hope you are ok. this post gave me chills.

Susannity said...

yikes Allan.
Dark bloody vomit is called "coffee-ground emesis" because of its appearance and it means there is somewhat slow bleeding somewhere in your esophagus or stomach. That's what it sounds like from what your writing. Lots of causes.
I will be thinking good thoughts for you. Lay off the booze and non-prescribed pharmaceuticals for awhile eh? =) Keep us posted when you can.

Allan said...

Susanne , you nailed it. Mallory-Weiss tear at GE junction w/ bleeding ulcer complications.

I'm feeling fine now (no more beer, ever), but that's skipping to the last page of my serial blog, so don't read this comment . Read this one instead:

Thanks to all my friends and well wishers and special kudos to Nurses Rita and Mary.

whimsical brainpan said...

It is amazing where the mind goes when you were in shock isn't it?