Thursday, September 15, 2005

How I Almost Died,But Didn't, Pt.3

FRI: A new curtain cube. This one is a cube within a cube. It's got a TV mounted on the wall. Sunlight enters from a window somewhere behind the sickly-green curtain on my right. I see the sillouhette of a large , bed-ridden man. I think he's reading a paperback.
I'm distracted by the nurses setting up my EKG and IV's .
Wow. I'm getting a blood transfusion- how cool is that?
I remember breaking my arm when I was a kid , and how proud I was when my class-mates took turns signing my cast. I wish someone was here to sign my blood transfusion. My saline drip must have some dope in it, because I keep slipping in and out of a weird dreaming state. Am I talking to that person? I hope not, because they aren't there. What language was I speaking? I seem to know so many. How did I get outside? Don't they know it's raining? Look at the ocean rise...
Eventually, the world becomes nearly solid.

Just as I'm getting my bearings ( actually, it was more like six hours later), a Serious Young Doc comes in and sits down slightly behind my left shoulder. I don't like him. I can't look at him without twisting my neck, but he can stare at me over my shoulder. I hate this.
He wants to talk about my drinking.
I save him some time and tell him I already know that I'm an alcoholic.
He asks me when my last drink was.
Two days ago, I tell him, but I went on a Labor Day bender...
Did I know that I was going through alcoholic withdrawal?

Shit. No, I did not know that. This spooks me. Aren't the DT's all about seeing elephants and feeling bugs crawling all over and stuff?

Nope. I'm not having DT's , but my heart-rate and BP are through the roof and it ain't helping with the nausea either. My body temp is a balmy 101.

Heres the deal, he explains: I've got a bleeding ulcer and a thing called Mallory-Weiss tear , which is a bleeder located at the spot where my breathing pipes meet my digesting pipes. I bleed into my stomach, this aggravates my ulcer, which bleeds some more , which makes me puke, which makes my M/W tear bleed more, which aggravates my ulcer and so on ... untreated, it's a slow death of internal bleeding, highlighted by gorily dramatic vomiting.
My withdrawal symptoms are making it worse- my heart is jackhammerin' the hemoglobin into my gut at a runaway clip- I can feel each beat. It hurts, but I'll get a higher dose of pain med once I get some fluids and blood replaced, so I have to deal with it for now. I'm pretty well tranq'd out anyway.

He continues: They are going to stick a tube with a laser, a camera and other gizmos down my throat and examine and repair my innards. They won't even have to make any traditional incisions. Cool, eh?

Ok, Doc. When do we start?

He tells me I've already had my first operation, but I went into convulsions during the exploratory stage and they had to abort. They will try again in about twelve hours.

I don't remember any of this operation. Prepping for it, where it was done, who did it-nothing.
I am very frightened.


Susannity said...

ack ack double ack.

Here's a long distance virtual signing of your IV bag...

whimsical brainpan said...

Great job of capturing how surreal the drugs make evrything feel and the weird dreams that go with them too.