Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The Truth Will Set You Crazy

It would be easy to blame the mainstream media's 24/7 'Cane-a Thon coverage for missing this story, so I will. If you were lucky, maybe you saw a bit about British tanks 'rescuing' two Brit SAS operatives from an Iraqi jail. 150 other prisoners escaped during the chaotic jailbreak.
4 were killed.

On the surface, that's pretty dramatic sounding, but if you think about this, it becomes clear that something is deeply fucked up. Why would "Coalition" forces be rescuing UK Special Forces personnel from our ostensible allies, the Iraqi police? Breaking down prison walls with tanks? What happened?
Well, the two SAS were arrested after they opened fire on civilians, which should get you arrested anywhere in the world. At least one Iraqi policeman was killed.
Oddly, the two SAS chaps were wearing Arab clothing and bushy false beards and had a load of hi-explosives in the trunk, along with a small arsenal. Huh?

From Occupation Day One , rumours of US involvement in staging 'terror attacks' have been rampant on the 'Arab street' , but were dismissed , even by most Arabs. It was just a bit too paranoid.

But then again, the white man didn't believe that gorillas existed until they caught one. Actually, they killed it , but I digress.
Well, the Iraqi police, whom the Brits trained, caught two guerrillas , and the British Army was willing to kill to get them back.

Perhaps the anecdotes in the Arab press about US/UK counter-counter insurgency have more than a whiff of truth, after all. I mean, we were fucking great at that kinda thing in Central America back in the good ol' Contra '80's. But it doesn't seem to make sense in Iraq.
Or does it?
Does BushCo really want a stable , secure and sovereign Iraq? It doesn't seem like they do. An independent Iraq would almost certainly become an Islamic theocracy- probably propped up by Iran- and we'd eventually wind up having to defer to their oily evilness much in the same way our Government kisses Saudi ass, unless we're willing to start a all-out global war with everyone except most of Europe and maybe Canada against us. We can fight in Afghanistan! War forever in the Middle East! Let's re-start the Korean War!How 'bout that mess in Taiwan? Let's get into that one too. I wouldn't worry too much about it , the Japanese are used to getting nuked. Don't forget the Venezuela Menace. I disagree with Pat Robertson. I think we should start an expensive war with Chavez, not assassinate him. War at the drop of a hat as long as the money flows one way and the blood goes the other. That's the Project for the New American Century.

The UK plans on withdrawing from Iraq in spring 2006. Maybe Blair finally figured out that he is the "bottom" in his relationship with our Glorious Leader. He suffers from strong Bush Taint. Whatever the reason ( common sense would suffice) , perhaps this news has given the UK troops a case of "Short-Timers Attitude"- you know , like when you only have a few days left at a job you hate and you start fucking up, screwing off and doing anything but work.
Perhaps , like the unpleasantness at Abu Ghraib, these were just a couple bad apples blowing off steam. Sure.

If our allies are staging terror attacks, we probably are too. This sounds so insane that even I have a hard time believing it, even though I would bet cash that it's true.
Did I mention the US Army is in the market for a bulk supply of Anthrax? Well, they are.
How did that 2001 Anthrax mailing investigation turn out any way? oh. Nevermind.
Where is Osama? It's been four years. It wouldn't shock me to find out that there is a " if you don't blow up US targets while I'm in power, I won't have you killed" deal in place. Either that or our assassins are as hapless against Osama as they were against Castro.

Since it's NFL season, let's remember Pat Tillman. It seems his parents have a serious beef with the Pentagon.

Damn, the Gulf Coast is a mess. If I were Vicente Fox, I'd wait for the remaining Guard units to get sent to liberate Syria or Iran or Venezeula. Then I'd invade and annex Texas and the Gulf.
What's that?
It's already been done?
Wow. That was quick.

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