Monday, October 17, 2005


It's a long-running joke among comic-book geeks that Lois Lane must be the world's worst reporter- she can't even tell that Superman is really just Clark Kent without the glasses.
Ha Ha.
The obviously fictional Ms. Lane looks like Ed Murrow when compared to the somewhat more ambiguous character of Judy Miller. In case you missed it , Ms. Miller floated to the top of journalism's bowl during the media's orgiastic March To The Bloody Fucking Horrible Mistake In Iraq. Or whatever the hell its called these days.

Her NewYork Times headlines screamed "WMD!" at us from the front page- news described as 'precious' by a media gaggle of gibbering Gollums to an idiot audience of unthinking orcs. The Nationalist Media frenzy preceding our nightmare of choice had a LOT to do with us meekly accepting Bush's volatile, yet blatantly unreasoned rationale for war- and she was happily tossing gas on that fire. Remember, it turned out that her main source of information on Iraqi WMD was an alcoholic Iranian double-agent who hadn't been to Iraq for twenty years and couldn't tell a dirty bomb from a dirty blonde.
Somehow, then-CIA Director George Tenet got a Medal of Freedom for using her unvetted 'evidence' in his "slam-dunk" case for Iraqi WMD. Curious, eh?
More recently, she "can't remember" who leaked the Plame Name to her. Wow. That's the sort of attention to fact and detail that'll get you a Pulitzer fer shure.
At the age of 57, she's a bit young to be invoking the Reagan Defense, even if she does consider Ronnie the greatest man who ever lived.
She once admitted that she used to think about Reagan while she pleasured herself, a charge she at first denied, then admitted to in a 2000 interview with Larry King, explaining why she preferred Bush to Clinton," it's not a sin if you are thinking virtuous thoughts while you [ diddle] yourself".

That's the only true thing she's ever said, and I had to make it up.
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Speaking of people who really need to go fuck themselves, check out these unabashed lunatics .
Wow. Those are some pretty far-fetched claims and stories-got any attribution ? Some proof?
Of course you do. There's a link to a site you own , which supports your point on another site, which you also operate. It's sad to think that there are hundreds of thousands of people dumb enough to fall for this.

On the positive, I really like the idea of assembling all the religously insane people in one area, like a giant reservation, prison or concentration camp- Utah would be my first choice, but it's taken- too bad really, the remote desert locale dovetails nicely with the Pentagon's plans to violate certain Test Ban Treaties.
South Carolina it is, then.
Give 'em all the Guns and Bibles they want, cut off all Federal funding ( maybe they hate public schools, but I bet they love the interstate highway system), let them establish a faith-based economy, whatever they wish. ( I bet it wouldn't take two weeks for them have their late, lamented slavery back, but not for long- it'd be a good reason to invade South Carolina. Again).
Such a State would begin as a Totalitarian Fundamentalist Theocracy and quickly go downhill from there. It would be a lot like Iran, but all-White and with less rights for women. James Morrow wrote about it in his novel, Only Begotten Daughter. Dante would've mentioned it, but they didn't have South Carolina Trailer Park Subdivisions when he was divvying up the Inferno.

Stop looking at me like I'm a fascist- it's their idea!


Susannity said...

I just feel sorry for all the other peeps who have to live in the area because of jobs what-have-you... I live in the heathen NW, but there are times when voting and issues has gone the other way. Hell, we almost had a republican governor. And California is looking at redistricting right now. Oregon has a lot of progressive legislation, but there similar to us up here, in that the conservative vote is creeping more and more in. It's like invasion of the body snatchers.

Herself said...

this gives me a headache, im going to go read about skid row...