Monday, December 12, 2005

Trust Flunk

Hi! Remember that CD I gave you six weeks ago? The one of me? The one you said you listened to and "liked a lot"?
Guess what?
It was blank. If you had really played it, you'd know that.
I was so sure you wouldn't listen to it that I didn't even bother to put anything on it.
I did that because I don't trust you to be honest with me. About anything.

I'm telling you this here because I know you won't read it.

Why lie about something so stupid?
Why not just say:
"...didn't listen.."
" sucks..."
or (best)
"...dumbass! you gave me a blank disc!..."

I'm very disappointed.


Susannity said...

That is disappointing. And it's really sad that you knew it so well that you could dare with the blank CD. Sounds like someone is not worthy to be in Allan's "circle of trust" heh. (I just watched Meet the Fockers again this weekend)

Allan said...

It really wasn't much of a dare- a long time ago I gave a CD to an old pal-he said he liked it - one day I was jamming at his house and wanted to teach him a song from the CD he liked so much. Turned out that I accidently gave him a blank and he never actually played it. My new friend reminds me of my old friend.
Besides, she has already lied to me before, why would she stop now?

Ah, I shouldn't get bent out over shit like that, but sometimes I can't help it.

Herself said...

whoa. youre scary smart

Susannity said...

I don't know, people lying to me, especially people I consider friends, would bend me out of shape.

Anonymous said...

I'd be a lot more upset if I considered her a real friend. I also have to consider her motive for saying what she does- I believe,perhaps incorrectly, that she thinks she's doing me a favor( i.e,not hurting my feelings) by feigning interest in my work and telling polite lies.
I should expand on this theme when I get out of this damnjob-BTW, I'm glad you asked the "r*tar@d" question (in the other comment)- it sorta kicked me into confronting certain feelings I can't seem to escape.
-Allan (at work)

Susannity said...

I understand what you're saying on motive, but I guess I believe honesty is best. If a person knows you may lie, then how can they know when you are or are not lying? It forms a barrier to some degree I think. If I know something I say will hurt someone, then sometimes I choose not to say anything at all. That is a lie of omission really. But if they do ASK me, they know I'll say it as I feel. It cost me a close friend once. She hooked up with this guy that was just plain HORRIBLE imo. He didn't treat her well & occasionally hit her, always had these schemes to make big money, all while living off her while she had a job. Examples: 1. Amway - wrote Amway propaganda all over the walls, mirrors, etc in their apartment 2. There is a hole in the center of the earth and it is filled with gold. Started an expedition to find the opening. 3. Started an emu farm that he expected her to manage while she did her FT job too. ETC ETC Anyway, I had told her that I thought this guy was taking advantage of her, had issues, etc. She was pissed of course. She dropped me like a hot potato. I understood completely. They got married and continued on these grand schemes (she dropped out of college and worked FT to finance these schemes). Fast forward 5 years and he's cheating on her and leaving her because "she doesn't support him and his dreams". We speak occasionally but we've grown way apart. I think she undertands a bit better why I said what I did about this guy, but the damage was done. One of our mutual friends had told me that I should just take back everything I said about this guy, but to me, I was being honest to my friend and worried about her. I have friends who tell me stuff that torques my wango at times, but I know they are telling me because they care about me. We agree to disagree on some stuff, but I hope they always know they should speak their mind honestly.