Monday, January 02, 2006


Kathyrn's first store was located next door to the comic shop I used to manage. She was fun to commiserate with when we got the Shopkeeper Blues.One couldn't ask for a better neighbor.
She worked really hard and moved her business to a better location, where her wonderful shop still sells silly things of all sort. I don't know what'll happen now.

If you were in the Richmond music scene in the 80's- 90's , then you knew Bryan. He was everywhere , doing everything. I wish I knew him better, but I didn't. I really wish I did.

Why am I saying this?

Because they were murdered yesterday and it's freaking me out.


Lyzard said...

You were in my dream last night. Only you kept changing between how you looked when a met you and a "little kid" version of yourself.

You had masses of blond (slightly strawberry tinged) curls and I was overcome by the urge to wrap my arms around you and protect several times.

We were outside at a ceremony or concert of some sort. At least that is what I thought because we were sitting in crappy fold out chairs that are used for things like that.

When you were the "little kid" version I was mentally cutting off your curls to remind myself of how you really look. When you were the "adult" version, I could see the "little kid" you in your eyes.

I don't know what it means, if anything. Since it doesn't make much sense and doesn't relate to the post at all... but I had to tell you and my email has been unreliable lately.

Susannity said...

omfg Allan.
How could anyone do such things? And the children... omfg.
I hope they catch the peep(s) who did this.

Allan said...

Weird. When I was a little kid, I did have hair just as you described- I've been feeling a bit vulnerable lately too..

It's beyond comprehension.

Susannity said...

police have any leads on this yet?

Susannity said...

disregard, i see the new post is about this. sorry, i work my way up heh.