Monday, February 20, 2006

I Hate the UAE, PT 2

One of my prize T-shirts is a Hard Rock Café shirt from Dubai, sent to me by a pal working there in 1993- he described the UAE's attitude toward America as "dating a rich cunt that you hate, but you stay with her because she gives you head when you want it and money when you need it."

Not a healthy relationship- unless you are an energy tycoon, industrialist pimp , corporate whore or simply born so wealthy that you aren't capable of empathy for the 'common' human. Who in the ruling class of the UAE or BushCo doesn't fit one or more of these bills?

Personally, I don't feel that we should waste a single soldier's life -or even a thin penny- in support of these bastards, but the President feels otherwise. He loves an oligarchy.

Pay the Arabs in American dollars so that they can control our ports? Just what we need-another method to export our wealth to nations that hate us. (They hate us for our foreign policiy-NOT for our freedoms, as is so widely claimed by our lying leaders.)

Holy Yemen!

I couldn't make this shit up. Strangely, these ports are all on the East Coast- I live on the East Coast. Hmmm.

Do you live on the West coast? Know anyone that needs a roomie? I'll cook!

Just kidding- I'm more interested in emigrating somewhere where they don't hate 'Muricans. I have no idea where this might be. Any ideas?

The MSM seems to be picking up on the port thing. I bet there's a brief hullabaloo , after which the sale goes forth as planned. A week later I will receive an email from John Kerry urging me to fight.

Right now, the headlines are about a morbidly obese cat. Watch for it.

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