Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Saving the World is Hard Work

While most of the world was doing whatever-the-hell-it-is that normal, well-adjusted people do on St. Valentine's Day, some of us were busily continuing the endless struggle against tyranny and darkness, vainly pounding away at a keyboard that seems connected to nothing and to everything; hurling virtual 'notes-in-a- bottle' into the Hadean void known as the Web, hoping for rescue, food & water, a gesture of hope, some cash, a pleasantly dirty letter, anything good at all- but instead receiving only bloody toes after walking on a beach littered with broken message-bottles. Note: If you insist on communicating via the tides, do not use felt-tip pens to write with. The ink runs. I can't make heads or tails of this mess. You know who you are! (remember these three words: POE. LUH. ROID. 'nuff said!)

I, however, wasn't doing any of that stuff.

I wrote a couple of emails and later that night I tried to get my Half-Elf fighter/bard past 7th level so he'd stand a chance against the evil Black Dragon that had taken up residence in the swamplands to the south of town.
He got killed.
I forgot to save my game.


Susannity said...

I threw a bottled note to you but I sent it via my toilet. Damn it, I think I used a felt pen.

What game were you playing?

Allan said...

I like the idea of Flush Transfer Protocol. One nation, united we stand- hip-deep in sewage.

It was an email,actually, but I think it was generated on a Tandy computer or something- pure gibbledey-gook! I recognized the sender though. (Please re-send!) I haven't heard from him for a long-ass time.

I was playing Dungeons&Dragons on Valentine's Day.

That's almost harder to admit than all the embarassing shit om my blog combined!

Susannity said...

Why? My husband and I (mostly him though) used to play D&D with the books, not online, a long time ago. We play online mmorpgs now.

Allan said...

Everything I know, I learned from the D&D books. If I had kids, I'd be happy if they played the P&P version. What games do you play?