Note: Since I posted this yesterday I've already gotten one phone call and several emails (and a comment/question) congratulating me on my much-deserved success. Well, in reality it's just another failure on my part- this time it's my inability to write clearly.
Since I lack the skills to convey what I mean by writing I will resort to highlighting and adding notes to crucial portions of this and re-posting it. I apologize again.
Just when I thought it was all hopeless:
- I get a phone call from a local studio. Sorry 'bout the recent misunderstanding , am I available to come work? They'd like me to start directly, which means I can quit my day job. That's great because this job is destroying me faster than I can describe it.
(This dream is kaput for now. Not in my control)
- A recent dream of reunion with a long-lost lover has come true. I'm pretty easy to track down on the internet if anyone cares to look- and it seems that someone has cared.
I'd almost forgotten how much she meant to me, but it seems she's not forgotten me at all. We shall now forget the past and concentrate instead on our future. My abyss is already half-full.
(This is me torturing myself. When I understand my need to do this, I will gladly explain it)
- Two of Fallentown's best musicians are putting together a new band, but they don't have a singer/guitarist. Somehow they got a copy of one of my CDs and liked it. Would I be interested in joining?
It might involve touring- am I available to travel? Yes and yes.
(This is just another illusion. The reality is that being around bands all the time without getting to jam with anyone is killing me. It's like watching the Food Channel and fasting)
What does this mean?
It means I should start writing pure fiction. I'm already off to a good start.
Meanwhile back in the real world, I rest my head on my plastic desk and pretend that my sobs are snores.
Snobs are sores.
I'm starry about this.
-Apollo G
The rest was just bad punnery intended to inject a bit of levity after that stark transition back to reality. Sorry about the confusion and thanks for the nice thoughts. One day, perhaps.All is not lost-but I am kinda bummed . It'll pass.
so you're quitting and going to work at a studio?
"It means I should start writing pure fiction. I'm already off to a good start."
What I was trying to say say is that NONE of my dreams have come true.
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