Friday, March 24, 2006

The Good Old Days-Update

I miss the days when saying George W. Bush is a simple-minded and arrogant war-mongering corporate death merchant who is hell-bent on destroying America would elicit angry outcries and the odd death threat from the now (apparently) extinct Right-Wing Lunatic bloggers- especially the Freepers.
Nowadays only the most drug-addled (Rush) or borderline sociopathic (Coulter, O'Liely) pundits are managing to sound somewhat convinced as they repeat the same old tired shit.

It was more interesting when the average idiot was willing to jump up and down and tell me that I'd better thank Jesus that Al Gore didn't get credit for winning-otherwise I'd be 'speaking Iraqi' right now.

Why would I miss hearing babble from those idiots?

Because at that time there was still a chance that I was wrong.

Usually I LOVE to say "I told ya so"- but not in this case.


See y'all in Gitmo.

RIGHT WING LUNATIC BLOGGER UPDATE: Ben " Augustine" Domenech suddenly has some extra time on his hands. He likes defending Bush- the only problem is he either plagarizes or outright makes shit up in order to do so. Ben Domenech is an asshole and the Washington Whore Post should be ashamed of themselves for letting him further darken their doorstep.

1 comment:

BwcaBrownie said...

G'day Allan - I followed you here from your comment at my dear friend's blog - the lovely Charlie at Highland Dreams.

I have read your blog down from the top and your profile.
Another Virgo!
I think more bloggers are Virgo than any other 'sign'.
Congratulations on avoiding your Moriarty, the demon drink.
Alcohol attacks every organ of the human body, whereas heroin only attacks about 3.
I would be illegal too if the damn govt didn't make so much revenue from it.
(thinks: Jnr Johnson outrunning the revenooers).
Sympathy to you for having your repulsive leader. In Australia we have an idiot too and more than half of us are wondering who voted for his repulsive party that we all have to suffer under.
In AL there is a blogger called Roberto Reg who keeps track of musos, and another music blog I am sure you would like is Spread The Good Word

good luck with the arm xxx