but I do it anyway. I sometimes laugh at people weaker than myself.
Rotten habit, really. It's an addiction, I suppose, since I really can't help it... but really-
sometimes it's just too easy .
besides-that's a joke site isn't it? please tell me it is)
Here's how I single-handedly beat my porn addiction:
tried to
-First I tried to remove all porn from the Web. I downloaded about ten million pics before I was told that downloading things from the Internet didn't actually remove them from the Web, it just creates a copy on your own computer. That you can use. Whenever you want.
-So I was forced to sift through many gigs of electronic filth , carefully "editing" each and every photograph into such forms that could no longer place me in danger of becoming "excited" and consequently abuse myself.
This was a very time-consuming task.Some photos required multiple editing sessions...
...eventually I had a hard drive full of images such as this:

The clever use of technology has rendered the demons impotent!
And I can always change it back should my wife ever leave me. I'm fairly certain that she shall, come to think of it.
Dude! perhaps the internet is not such a good place for you to be right now- get thee to a Church !
Ooh.. Swirly thing.. That turns me on.
BTW. I have your ultimate help-yourself-chart.
Meat pie? Is that what they call it in the UK?
Hey, Emelie is right. That's a great test. Go take!
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