No matter how bored you get at work DO NOT spend eight hours taking on-line psychological/stress/personality tests. You will find, not surprisingly, that no matter how you answer the questions, the result will be an advertisement for some sort of medication or self-help program. You will be informed that you are quite insane and need immediate help that only the tester can provide- how fortunate for you that they are currently running a 1/2 price sale on Ginseng-Enhanced Snake Oil Extract, Psychic Wart Removal Crystals and Regressive Tapeworm Therapy Guides! Don't buy those products.
Call me.
I will tell you that you are nuts -for free- and I won't try to sell you anything.
I was once so bored I took an on-line IQ test. I was told that my IQ was 170+ , indicating that I was some sort of Super-Brainiac Genius. Pictures of famous Smart People adorned my test results. One of those pictures was of William Shakespeare. This was telling, because Willie himself was a charlatan and a fraud, his plays being penned by Francis Bacon , who was quite a conniving , albeit brilliant son-of-a bitch. Had Bacon's picture appeared on my test results I would've been less sceptical.( Note that the link provided denies that Bacon ghost-wrote for the Bard. Liars!)
Anyway, after I was told how smart I was, I was asked for my credit card info in order for the testing company to send me more detailed information regarding my Genius.
In one sentence they informed me that I was both a Genius and an Utter Fool.
I'm no Genius, but I'm not stupid enough to pay people to tell me how smart I am, so that company was wrong on both counts.
Don't take those tests. They are scams.
What you should do is take me to lunch. It's cheaper and you'll get better advice.
I'll admit, it is nothing to be ashamed of - afterall - that I tested "positive" for a personality once... luckily - it was nothing that a strong round of antibiotics couldn't handle.
I'm happy to say now that I am 100% personality free...
Yeah, suuurrrre you are.
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