I don't care if that statement offends anyone.
Mormons ruin everything they touch, especially women , children and the environment.
I used to chase the Mormons off my porch with a baseball bat- they'd come back a week later pretending they'd never been by before.
Maybe they hadn't- all Mormons look alike, you know.
My roomate once dumped a bucket of dishwater from the second story window onto a pair of LDS door-knockers - this was especially funny because the outdoor temperature was 12 degrees below zero at the time.
Maybe you don't hate Mormons. Maybe you are a Mormon.
Have you heard of the Enclave in Arizona? I thought they shut this place down years ago- but no, it's still there. The Mormon Church has known about it for fifty years or more, yet nothing gets done, even though their own attorney acknowledges underage "marriages" taking place:
However, Rodney Parker, an attorney who has represented the church and some of its leaders since 1990, said he had seen little evidence of questionable conduct. "They are idealistic, very religious, community-oriented people," he said. "I never saw any evidence of what is being claimed. I'm not saying there are not underage marriages. I have found no evidence that people are forced into these relationships."What the loathsome Mr. Parker is saying is that it's OK to molest kids if it's consensual- not forced- that if a 45 year-old man can convince an 11-yr old girl to have sex with him it's OK as long as she isn't forced. As if an 11-yr old is capable of making rational decisions about sexuality and marriage-with or without the advice of a pedophile.
An 11-yr old bride isn't a wife, she's a victim.
In a just world, Mr. Parker would be castrated with a chainsaw.
Read about the Enclave and then leave your sputtering, mamby-pamby "all religions should be respected" comment.
Didn't Dr. Phil do some kind of special about this? Probably about ten years ago since it just aired in Sweden..
I'm only able to read until the second page. I just.. URGH. I don't like some people. Really really do not like them.
You guys are close. At least the same country.. Can't you like... Go over there and like... Hit them or SOMETHING?
I lived in Utah in 1985 and they were talking about how to stop this back then- the mainstream Mormon Church knows all about it and has since the beginning- yet they won't do shit.
Hit them? Those bastards are armed to freekin' teeth and I swear they'd send the kids into combat first.
I can't believe this is still allowed to happen- it's NOT a secret!
No child is capable of informed consent. We don't let 11 year olds enter into legal contracts. How can we sit silently by while they are traded like cattle and sold into slavery as wives?
This isn't religion. This is community sanctioned pedophilia.
and notice that the religious right doesn't conduct their 'one man and one woman' tirades against these folks (I think it's because the old white guys in leadership like the idea of one dude with a few chicks); instead they mobilize massive nationwide campaigns against partnership rights of consenting adult gays and lesbians...
I had heard of this group before but was not aware they taught such things as man not having landed on the moon and racism against blacks. That was one thorough article! Don't see that often.
It doesn't really surprise me that they are not 'gone after'. Most of the US population are theists and they don't like anyone to mess with it, even if they see other religions' practices and beliefs as wrong.
I totally agree with anon's comments as well. Hypocrisy knows no bounds, especially in religion.
Mormonism is an interesting religion to me. They are to the Christians what Christians are to Jews. Jews think Christians are wrong in their belief that Jesus was the Messiah. The Christians think the Mormons are wrong for thinking Joseph Smith was the Messiah. Most Mormons I have met and debated religion with are quite versed/knowledgeable about the bible so I give them props for that. They also really seem to take the community aspect of taking care of each other pretty strongly. Of course, I think all religions are fabrications of man that have led to pretty much all the wars and genocides I can think of, hence my antitheism.
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