Did I get off at the wrong bus stop today?
What year is it now?
What the hell is wrong with people?
I am dumbfounded that the issue of gay marriage is even an issue at all- to me it seems perfectly reasonable that any two competent adults should be allowed to marry. Why not? A legal union is every bit as much about commerce as it is spirituality or anything else; the same legal rights are afforded to married atheists as to the faithful , right? As long as they aren't gay.
Why should gender preference matter?
What's the threat?
What are they gonna do - have gay babies?
Where do you think gay babies come from anyway?
They come from straight people. I can't think of a rational, secular argument against homosexual marriage, but it's easy to find good, common reasons to support SSM:
-Legalizing gay marriage would be good for commerce. Flat out, weddings are good for business. Lot of money changes hands before, during and after a wedding.
- Gay parents could then legally adopt children, who would have full familial rights , including love, family and inheritence
What? You think a child raised by queer folk will "turn" gay?
By what logic?
We've already established that gay folk are created by straight people-there are exceptions, of course, but straight folk are the indisputable #1 source of gay babies.
Why couldn't gay couples have straight babies ?
What difference does it really make anyway?
I'd wager that growing up as an institutionalized Ward of the State increases the odds of learned homosexual behavior much more than growing up in the average same-sex home; certainly less chance of abuse.
Most pedophiles are hetero, so that whole " protect the children" argument is spurious.
Are they really better off in an orphanage or loveless custodial care?
How heartless to think so.
-I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that the qualities that make up a good home have nothing at all to do with the gender preference of the occupants; that the odds of a gay home and a straight home being dangerously dysfunctional might be roughly, um, er...exactly the same.
Crazy swings both ways, ya know?
- Why can't people just let people be happy for a while?
You might have noticed that the world has some bigger problems. For instance, the polar ice caps may soon melt and drown us all, rendering debate over changing social conventions moot. Maybe there's a particular war, cause or disaster that's caught your eye- some horrible wrong that cries out for justice and passion - pick one from a list, no shortage of real troubles to choose from.
Do something real.
I wish someone would tell these guys (below) that. They seem to think that the only problems we face are gay marriage and flag-burning. Once you get past the flag-burning , all the world's troubles with sort themselves out. It's like magic. It's crazy , is what.
(I'm the red)
Sen. Bill Frist (R) of Tennessee, who is retiring from the Senate at the end of the current term, also may run for president, and so his advocacy for the Marriage Protection Amendment is also seen through the lens of his own possible ambitions. Senator Frist has also scheduled a vote this week on a constitutional amendment banning flag-burning, another measure seen as highly political.
For Bush, after a flurry of action this week on gay marriage, the question could be, what next? If the amendment fails in the Senate, as presumed, he will face continuing pressure to push for this and other measures important to religious conservatives.
"Marriage is the most fundamental institution of civilization, and it should not be redefined by activist judges," Bush said.
-Christian Science MonitorI'd argue that there's a case for the master/slave relationship being the most fundamental institution of civilization and I will also argue that it's a very, very good thing that this particular institution was 're-defined ' , thus dispensing with this BS about civil institutions being immutable, 'sacred' and whatnot.
- abc
Flag burning? Who the hell is burning the flag?
When was the last time you actually witnessed a flag-burning?
We need a Constitutional Amendment to stop it?
What bullshit.
I don't know anyone who wants to burn the flag, but hey, if someone wants to burn Old Glory , isn't the inevitable public ass-kicking punishment enough?
Besides, passing a Flag Amendment just gives the anarchists and demagouges more reason to actually burn flags and use the high-pub lock-up photo-ops as a platform for their ravings- proving that all the crazy-sounding 'police state' ranting wasn't so far off mark...
It will be a pyhrric victory for the crazy ranters.
The flag that the BushCo bastards should really concern themselves with is the flag that's sewn onto the uniform of the troops who are dying and killing every day for a cause that no one can even explain.
That's real.
Let's protect that flag first.
"One , two ,three- what are we fighting for?"
Sorry, but that old 'fighting terror' line has all the credibility of a UFO sighting at the Burning Man Festival...and the 'freedom' angle is a bit hard to swallow- considering we don't even follow our own rules .
Here's an idea:
Why don't we have a Constitutional Amendment that says we start honoring the Constitution and the Bill of Rights that we already have?
The whole fucking Iraq War is an end-run around the Constitution- the Constitution is designed to prevent sitting Presidents from assuming powers such as the right to unilaterally declare wars just because...well, no one's really sure why we went to Iraq...but the point is- Congress bent over and gave up it's Constitutional power to prevent Bush from starting his crazy-ass war.
The world is going to hell and our Republican leaders are busily re-writing the Constitition to protect us from queers and flag-burners.
Feel safer?
Skipping through the blog-O-sphere found yours... I'm les, and, dammit, I want to marry my SO. Isn't stable relationships what society needs? What is the problem?
Rock on!
Okay some real issues--
Tapping our phone lines without cause/or a court order.
Providing equal education for all children regardless of race/language/ or economic condition
Feeding the hungry
Affordable medical care for those who need it.
Actually using the renewable energy sources that we have and stop using oil!
Decriminalizing most illegal drugs so we don’t have to spend all of our law enforcement money on people who just don’t get it and need help—not prison.
Allowing kids to write stuff in their papers and on their blogs that talks about hate and fear so we can open a dialog as apposed to sweeping these feelings under the rug and pretending we don't ever feel anger or hurt.
Sorry, I should stop now … forgive my rant!
My really long comment is ...gone?
Wanda- I wish you and your the best. Hopefully this will pass...
Charlie- true. All of it.
Citymouse- Don't stop on my account- I'm always glad to see someone who gives a damn!
Context error above- I hope this time of fear and prejudice will pass- not any pending Amendments. I hope they don't pass. My bad.
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