laboratory have announced the creation of the world's first sheep/housecat hybrid.
The new animal, alternatively referred to as a 'cheep' or a 'shat', has limited usefulness as a mouser , as it is very slow and cumbersome.
It's considered to be too small for the commercial production of wool. According to one anonymous scientist it " does pretty much nothing but lie there and go 'baah'."
That's not a problem for lifetime Pitcairn resident Richard Feller, a 47-yr old postal stamp importer.
" I 'spect me wife'll knit a great ball of yarn from the damn thing -and then it'll chase the bloody thing around the garden a bit. Beyond that, I can't see much point in it. Maybe it'll move faster-like after we shear it."
Pitcairn Island is a U.K. territory founded in 1790 by the mutineer survivors of the H.M.S. Bounty. It is rumored to be in the South Pacific.
This post is dedicated to Charlie!
like something out of the the Onion lol.
I love sheep. They fart so much the ozone-layer is disappearing over new zealand.
I want a farting sheep.
Maybe this earth thing will come to an end.
When I can't sleep , I count farting sheep and dream of the apocalypse.
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