Thursday, August 31, 2006

Cries From the Mid-Life Circus

In just over two weeks I shall turn forty.
This means that I must plan for my mid-life crisis, a life-changing event which I understand could begin any day now.

The standard approach would be to get a sports car, a toupee and a twenty-year old girlfriend named Bambi or Candi. This has its merits:

1) I cut a dashing figure in an MG!

On the downside, my real car is a 1987 Honda Accord. It gets good mileage but it doesn't attract many Bambies and Candies- who, in any case, are likely at least as difficult and expensive to maintain as the MG.

I'd face the guillotine before I'd wear a toupee.
After the guillotine it's a moot point.

In my mind, a man who wears a toupee loses all rights to utter a single word in regard to the idiosyncrasies of women, their vanity , appearance and the like. As long as he's wearing a wig, he'd better keep his mouth shut about whatever his wife or GF wears, primps, etc.
You'd give that up just so's people could laugh at a muskrat gnawing on your skull?

So, I don't need the toupee - but I'm still several hundred thousand dollars shy of achieving the rest of the goal-more than being merely a man out of money ; spritually, I'm a Man Out of Time.
I'll take a more Classical approach and meditate on God, Nature, Man, Art,Love,Universe- you know, Stuff. I'm sure it's not as complicated as it's made out to be.
I might be able to understand some of it.

I'm not a complete dunce.

If I were, I'd be shopping for a wig.

*Huuugggeee props to anyone who can tell me where I punned the post's title from.


Citymouse said...

dont you know??? 40 is the new 30! you have 10 more years before midlife!

Allan said...

That's good news! I'm hardly done with adolescence, much less adulthood.

Sling said...

40 is a terrific milestone!..
Citymouse is right.You can postpone your midlife crises for a while.

Allan said...

But I wanna MG and a Bambi! Whaaah!

BwcaBrownie said...

Allan you are too clever to really be amused for very long by a Bambi/Candi and you know it and you know we all know it.

Cars of course are another thing.
(Am I the only person who has noticed that the Peugot 407 grill is aping David Brown's old Aston Martins?)

Your post title pun is driving me nuts with the familiarity of the cadence. Please put me out of my misery.

and 'emophilia' - LOVE IT (a fellow sufferer of course).

Barb said...

didn't you know bald men are sexy? emophelia has its merits. when i find a bandage, i'll tell you them...