Thursday, August 03, 2006

Make Money Blogging and Other Lies

Would you like to make $400 or more a week -in your spare time- just by blogging and surfing the internet?
Of course you would. Who wouldn't?

It's easy- I have a time-proven method to do so and I will share it with you for free:

- First, you need to have about 40 hours per week of 'spare time' and a fondness for indigent living.

-Second, you'll need to use this spare -time to find a dead-end cube job with Internet access.

- Third, blog from work.

This isn't rocket science. That's why I'm telling you for free.

I've been an office temp for years, and I've seen a lot of PCs at my various jobs;
I have blogged from all of them, and I know I'm not the first one- often I will I type the first character of my username into the sign -in field and find it already has a list of "cookies"- other usernames from previous employees.

My all-time favorite is "Creative7".

Someone was sitting here, thinking " hmmm...what name would suit me? I am creative...hey! Howzabout "Creative 1?"

Of course, Creative 1 has been taken already.

So have Creative 2 , 3 , 4 get the idea.
Imagine two bloggers coming up with Creative1-why the odds against such a thing are simply staggering!
What a setback that must have been. True to name, our mystery blogger came up with an ingenious solution- they just kept adding 1 and trying again.

I actually checked- you currently have to go to Creative12 - all the rest are now used.
Before you mock me for wasting time checking such a trivial matter, remember: I am on the clock.

I'm a bit amazed that 7 was available- I'm pretty sure I know who this particular person was, and they are fairly new to Blogger,I don't know what their blog is called, but I thought 7 would be long gone...

I do know that the person had a habit of Googling stuff that starts with "U Can", as in "U Can Turn $100 into $10,000 overnight!" and "U Can Lose 200 lbs. in 200 Minutes- without dieting!"

No problem too large for the old "quick-fix."


Anonymous said...

U-Can earn extra money selling spinal taps door-to door!!

Citymouse said...

I want to buy the homes with no money and sell them for millions.

Ya, so do I. If it was possible- why would I still be working?

apositivepessimist said...

well I will just say the exchange rate from yank $ into au $ is okay...not what it used to be tho.

and please do NOT resort to knuckle dusting any of our female security guards.

cheers ;)

Anonymous said...

LOL! I actually started my blog when I was bored at work. I was just fooling around. Then, when I was bored again another time, I remembered the blog and stopped back. It went on from there. Now I don't get to blog at work--at least, not actively. But no one can control my thoughts (yet) and as long as I can think, I can play with blog post ideas in my mind, getting the wording just right for when I can jot it down.

Allan said...

CM- I want to have Millions of homes and sell them for no money- housing crisis solved!

Arseface:)- I wouldn't dare- those lassies can bloody well take care of themselves!

Caryn- Wording just right I what means don't know that is

1Green Thumb said...

Blogging at work is the only thing that keeps me going there.... :)

Susannity said...

lol on the creative7 hehe. that kind of stuff always gets me too.

how do u know what they google? where do u see that?

Allan said...

hhehe...I wonder what their license plate is?

They left all the google cookies in the search field- I can't get rid of them on the work PC.