Sunday, August 27, 2006

My Big MySpace Date

Here's my new best pal.
I'm kidding- that's Ron. He's my old best pal- I've known him since grade school and learned everything I know about guitar (which is nothing) from him.
I suppose I should be angry at him for turning me onto playing music and setting me on the path to fame, fortune and international critical acclaim. It ruined my life, it did, but I don't carry a grudge.
I guess we'll have dinner or coffee sometime.

You can see that Ron has been in a lot of bands. I was in some of them- I barely remember one of them until I saw my name in the line-up...been a while since those days.

Ugh. Myplace is even worse than rumour has it- there are a few real people on it and they seem to be as perplexed as I am, but overall it's horrid...amok is my favorite word for mywaste...
the Music thing seems to be almost neccesary for promotion and networking.

I'm trying to set up a music site , which looks easy at first , but actually works like this:

-First you fill in basic info- standard profile stuff. Easy.

-Then you click random buttons until you see something that says upload music- and you are told you can only upload music from a myMusic space- something they didn't mention while you were creating your 'standard' Mydisgrace site.

- You create a mymusic site. There's a long list of genres you can label yourself as, but you can't type in anything, just choose from a list. I don't fall into any single genre- and clicking 'alternative' is just another way of saying "same old shit that was boring when I was a kid."
' Other' sounds really sexy. I already hate this site.

It also only accepts mp3s, which actually makes sense- even if I personally hate mp3, they are easy...

-So spend a little while converting .wav files to decent-sounding 320 k mp3s.

-Upload. The first few times you'll probably get an error message. You'll be reassured the technical support has been notified. This is probably a lie. Such notices almost always are.
Ignore it and try a few more times.

- Eventually, it will start uploading.
If your PC is as old as mine, this is a good time to go do laundry and do shopping, because this takes a really, really long time.

-When you get home, there will be a message telling you that your file was too large.

- Waste time converting to lossy format. Upload. Feed the cats.

- You then get a message telling you that mywaste is converting your file to streaming format and please wait 24 hours- meanwhile , put up a pic. You will see a'proccessing' icon for one day, after which your song will play when your site is visited.

-Wait a day. Visit your site. Your song is gone. There's nothing to indicate that you've ever tried to upload anything- even the pic and caption are gone.

Screw this. What was wrong wiyh my pic? It wasn't obscene. Maybe I didn't look 'rock' enough...
...I don't have a pic of myself brooding, guitar in hand, and those seem to be de rigueur for a mymusic site.
.I've got some lo-fi mp3s posted here and there already- if you care , I'll send you links. If you really want I'll send a CD.

But I just can't get the damned mything to work.

I think I'll take up busking.

Fuck! Now Blooger is all for shit too!

Maybe I'll switch to pamphleteering.


Sling said...

Man,.I've gotten nothing but grief from blogger the last couple of days.Nothing like spending half an hour typing a post,only to have it swallowed up into oblivion when you press "Publish".
I'm not even gonna try to mess with mySpace.

Anonymous said...

My son and all his friends are on MyWaste. They lie about their age, so they turn as 18 or 19 years old, which they aren't. But, I think the primary age group for MyWaster memebers is kids lying about their age. This tells you a lot about the folks that are 30 and up they set up pages.

Tyler, my youngest son, begged me to set up a page for him even though he is only 9. He said I could set it up so the only people he to talk to was his brother. Anyway, the question form asks "Single or Married" "Do you smoke?" "Do you want children?" Jeez - he is only nine! His email address is set to mine so I can read anything sent to him and he can only get on while I am in the room. But, still, the whole thing is just a giant singles bar online - and a singles bar in the cheezy, Newgate Prison (Richmond reference) sort of way.

There's got to be other sites out there for serious musicians and fun, mature people could promote their bands! I mean, right now all the MyWaste friends that link to the music page have got to be:
1)school age kid lying about their age
2)older people looking for a thrill, lying about their age,
3)older people who actually fall into the IQ and maturity level of the two groups above

I'm not sure if the above groups would be interested in any of the music I like. Anyway, my two cents.

Allan said...

Damn thing only eats good posts too...

Is that the deal with all the 35-yr old high school kids? I thought they were FBI agents.Geez.

I guess I'll bite the bullet and build a site from scratch.One day.
I suck at HTML. I got as far as making a directory though... and I have one fan, so that is enough for me.

I need a girlfriend who can play drums, sing AND design websites- and is over 18 (over 30 is even better)- is that asking too much? Wealth is a plus...

Ron's not like any of those people you mentioned, but he's the exception.

Why am I answering this anyway?...I can call you- welcome back to RVA!

Allan said...

Hey Leo,
Man, you don't wanna go there- Beth was a bit generous in her assesment of mywaste- it's actually worse.

Guess I'll just have to settle for playing my tunes on the radio...

Citymouse said...

You have a friend who played with GWAR??? And you cant get a date based on that? Okay, the world has gone to hell.

Allan said...

I used to live with Gwar. For years.Played too.
Not sure I want a date based on that. Thaose women are crazy- Gwar, on the other hand are just a bunch of nerds.
We played a lot of D& D.

Citymouse said...

Allen, Give me your myspace profile and I'll be your friend :) then I'll have 3

em0 said...

Hey Allan, if you want any help with the HTML thing I'm here man. I've done that stuff since I was nine ^^ I can even give you a flashsite if you'd prefer that. Screw MyshitintheFace. Go solo with your own website.

Allan said...

You are already my friend! I quickly deleted my accounts- I'll email ya the gory bits...or post them. Not sure yet.

Ooh! Yes, I've seen some and you are good at it! Thanks! Very cool! Expect email soon.

Lyzard said...


I have a confession to make. I'm on MyWaste. I don't have a band and I'm not a pedophile.

I am the second oldest of eight kids. All of my siblings live thousands of miles away. The three youngest (16, 18, and 20) are on MyWaste. It's turned out to be the best way for me to stay in touch with them, since they are rarely at home for phone calls and hardly answer emails.

Interestingly, all my old friends from college seem to be on there. I think it has to do with the "Oh shit, I'm a grown up. What am I supposed to do now?" phase.

Allan said...

Liz, that's OK. I was just telling someone of my fondness for lizards (of all sorts) and that has not changed.

Q: "Oh shit, I'm a grown up. What am I supposed to do now?"

A : Post pictures of yourself dancing topless and doing beer bongs!

Barb said...

i'm on myspace too. ergh.