Friday, August 11, 2006

Odds and Odders

Sat, August 12, 5 -7 PM USA EST, I will be on the FM airwaves here in Fallentown.
I'm guest-hosting the Locals Only show, which of course, is all local and regional bands.
Normally, I'm the sound engineer when a band plays on this show, but tomorrow I get the talking end of the microphone. I'll be playing a lot of live in-studio tracks of bands we've had as guests over the last 18 months or so...for me it really doesn't get much better than that.

I flat-out love radio.

I can fill a two-hour broadcast with music and do it all with material that I've either recorded, performed on or both and I can do it without playing the same band twice.
Screw humility.
I'm proud of this accomplishment- how many people have the opportunity to do that?

Damned if I know why I complain so much- I'm a pretty lucky guy , all things considered.

Speaking of luck: at the same time that I will be on-air here in Fallentown, USA, my blogpal
Emelie will be on-air in Stockholm, Sweden, helping out with a very worthy cause.
The odds of the two of us broadcasting at the same time are pretty gosh-darned astronomical.
To illustrate this point, there will be a major meteor shower , which will reach its peak at pretty much exactly the same time Emelie and I am DJ'ing.

I'm not making any of this up.
I am amazed at the improbabilty of this entire post...but it's all true.

This is the kind of bizarre and beautiful thing that makes me love being alive.
I'm not making that up either.
Eleven months ago I was having emergency surgery.
I had a good chance of dying, but I decided not to.
I'm glad to be alive.

Tomorrow night I'll drive out to the country and watch the stars fall.

Post and link for Emelie's show on Soundic Radio , 4-6 PM EST- broadcast from Stockholm,Sweden.

Locals Only WRIR 97.3 FM , 5-7 PM EST- broadcast from Richmond, VA

Global domination, baby!


em0 said...

Such luck.. I have a fever of many degrees. My mom is gonna calculate what itis in farenheit.. ican't domath now..... ifeel like shit :P

i wish i could listen to you butit hurts.. good luck !!

don't catch this cold.

fever of 103 degrees. orsomething.

Allan said...

Agggh... Jinx gods...Loki, you bastard!

Get well soon!
( heart-shaped icon thingie)

em0 said...

The jinx Gods are beating me Allan! Not only did they not allow my radiobroadcasting.. Now they stole our er.. I don't know the english word.. It's what you connect to your car when you've bought like.. a couch and a refridgerator?

Anyway! They stole it because I told a person that this is the safest neighborhood and nothing gets stolen. Iron God.

Allan said...

Em, If I could connect a couch and refrigerator to my car, I would call my car an 'apartment'!

I hope you are feeling better- it wasn't the same , knowing you weren't on-air with me... *sob*

I think the word may be 'trailer' it like a wagon or cart that connects to the rear of the car? Someone stole one of those from you?

Iron God indeed!