Before I forget, I'd like to thank everyone who has ever taken the time to comment or email me and I would especially like to thank those of you who have offered meals, lodging, entertainment and friendship to me on this vacation I keep whining about.
It means a lot to me that people who, for the most part I have never met, are willing to take some time out of their schedule to spend with me- I've been a bit moody and lonely lately and I haven't been doing a very good job of hiding it- in fact, I called in 'sad' to work today. My boss understands...for now , anyway.
Anyway, some random thanks and kind words to bloggers and readers:
Lynnette- My very special friend from 1980 to right now! Always good to hear from her -especially when she's happy, which is now.
In 9th grade she was my very best friend- I was an outcast and hanging out with me was a drag on her reputation, but she stuck with me anyway. We would talk for hours on the phone back then- she even convinced me to wear a skirt in class once...ha! She's smart, funny and her heart is better than gold.
She's one of two people from that time that I still know.
I was the new, weird kid in a small hillbilly town that didn't like strangers , but Lynnette and I got along great- the best thing about that otherwise sorry year- she was the prettiest girl in school and she hung out with me! It was a long year, but it would've been impossible without her friendship.
We didn't date or anything, but I did have a terrible crush on her in 9th, which I'm pretty sure she must've known- if she doesn't , she does now! *grin!*
CityMouse- Speaking of hearts, CM has a recent post that is a great example of something good happening to someone who deserves a break. Someone who appreciates it and plans to use it for the best. She recently had a wish granted, which I hope more than makes up for the rudeness of her neighbor-hahha!
I especially like CM because she is that rare Christian who is both humble and wise in her application of Jesus' words- I'm certain she knows that I am not a religious person, but like a true follower of Christ's true teachings, she forgives me and my heathen ways. She always finds the good in things and has a very quaint and disarmingly uncynical view of events. I find her to be inspirational and it is one of my dreams to have lunch with her.
Lyzard- My very first blogpal and fellow Utah expatriate, Lyz taught me a lot about blogging and e-etiquette . When I first started emailing with new people, I would compose my letters in a formal way at first, using the old fashioned "Dear So and So" and signing with 'yours truly' or 'love' ( after a certain familiarity was established) - this is how we learned to write letters back in Old People Days. Lyzard explained that this was probably not such a good way to write emails.
I actually visited Liz in NYC during one of my friends gigs up there. It was loud, but fun. I made a million drunken passes at her friend ( I think I did, anyway) , but no one seemed to mind. I was really drunk then- I look forward to maybe staying up all night with her and hers one night soon ( thank you for that invite! *snoopy dance*)-perhaps I will let her win at 'Boggle'. I'm feeling benevolent...hehhehhhee
Jerry- I've known Jerry for at least fifteen years-longer I think. We played in a band together on and off for sometime and he went from being so-so to being really freakin' good on bass pretty quickly. I've always been lucky with good bassists, and Jerry was no exception- I'd just toss out a few chords: dum, dum-de dumm, and he'd pick right up, improving on my basic idea as he went- making the songs fun. He's like that in real life too. Sensible, but funny.
Too bad he moved back to the beach.
He is the only person in the world with this blog as his homepage.
Emelie- When (IF?) the shit hits the fan here in the USA, I am moving to Sweden and living in Emelie's attic. Emelie has one of the coolest bedroom wall paintings ever- she's a very natural visual talent and will probably be very successful in life- at everything!. She's very young and she gives me hope that maybe kids aren't so bad after all.
She can actually cheer me up when I'm cranky, and that's hard to do!
One day she and I will have a wonderful picnic on the planet of our choice.
There's plenty more, including: Charlie for reading my crap, Jerky and Sartwell for encouraging me, Amy for the book and manuscript and especially Susanne for being my most loyal reader and occasional cohort. I'm proud to have her as a poster on my blog.
Forgive any omissions- they are the fault of my memory and not intended as a slight in any way.
Thank you all!
Update: Here's a real contest -it's for a t-shirt design for the non-profit indy station I do sound at. Win stuff!
Update 2: Thanks to my new pal Caryn for providing these simple guidelines for houseguest behavior. These are rules I can live with- can you?
When I worked some dreadful, demeaning jobs that I just wished they would fire my from because although I needed the check it was robbing me of my dignity to continue (I lived on the streets from time-to-time in those days out of frustration) I would call in as being too healthy to show up and when I felt sick I would be back to work.
You would be surprised how many of them accepted that statement....
Happy trails/adventures... if you are ever in Lexington feel free to contact me and I will gladly put you up and show you the natural wonders.
Hugs and kisses, HUGS AND KISSES!
Never stop blogging. <3
how do you put a happy tear in a blog? I'm not suppose to cry at my 'puter! It's not good for the keys.
Thank you.
A thousand thank yous!
Lunch? Just let me know where and when! It would be my pleasure.
And it's more about being "spirtual" ya know what I mean?
Hmmm...I hadn't mentioned it , but I HAD planned on deleting this blog very soon-like this weekend- now I'm not so sure.
Caring helps.
That was intended as pt. 1 of my goodbye...but now I guess it's just thanks. Thanks!
Thanks Allan. Although I think it is more like 20+ yrs('83 84 ish)
We've played some great shows together, including what I rate in my top two, that show below Meat Ridge on the Potomac River.
I must admit, we absolutly kicked ass on that one and we'll do it again in the future.
If you decide to take this site down, so be it, it is you and yours. Props to ya for some mighty fine mind pictur'n.
I just wanted to say that I couldn't have described Citymouse any better.
She has a decidedly Christian way of overlooking my own "transgressions",and serves as a quiet reminder to count my many blessings.
Jerry, that was a great show- crowd control! I love that buzz...I'm not deleting blog- I though I was getting too depressing, but look at this space-it's a lovefest over here!
Amen to that.
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