Monday, September 18, 2006

I Miss You

I'm going home tonight- my trip is all but over.
I'm glad I came here, but I am actually starting to miss my home, my guitars, my cats, my friends, my radio station...
Being away , I realize that much of what I take for granted is actually quite precious to me- even my job doesn't seem so horrible - but that will change upon resumption of work, I'm sure.

You know what else I miss?
I miss you.


yellowdoggranny said...

ahhhh, that's sweet...i miss you too...
er, you were talking to me weren't ya?

Barb said...

right back atcha, sweetcheeks.

Allan said...

Actually, I was talking to the bus...*smiley icon*

Anonymous said...

AWWW...Ya big lug. :)

Allan said...

No, really, I meant the bus.

yellowdoggranny said...

u lie..

you were jonesing for us...

Susannity said...

It is good to get away from routine to help one appreciate what they have.
Glad you're back home and that you had the opportunity to get away for awhile.

Allan said...

That's true. I'm reassessing my situation here.
I need to move away before another 365 passes.