I start my new job Nov. 13th. Higher pay, better benefits, room to advance and an opportunity to learn new skills.
I'll be installing A/V systems in the Virginia State Capitol- yesterday I got the results of my Backround Check, and, save for a couple of tickets, I'm squeaky-clean. Certain 'blemishes' have been cleared away. Like magic, that.
To celebrate, I got up this morning and did something I've not done for a long time- I went music shopping.
I've got a radio show tomorrow morning , 7-9 am EST, so I decided to pick up some stuff with that in mind- I wound up spending a lot more time than I thought, but remarkably little money...used LP's for $3 each? Cool. Pile 'em on!
Now I'm listening to my new treasures, picking out cuts for tomorrow.
I dig it.
Pentangle-Early Classics: 'Mirage' is 120 seconds of pure bliss. It's so short, I'll probably play two songs from this...
John Turner-Fiddling Leprechaun: This is a real find! It's a 'home-made' vinyl LP by legendary U.S. Scottish Fiddling champion John Turner. It was recorded and released right here in Richmond in 1983.
I was in 11th grade in 1983. I don't think I would have liked this when I was 16, but I love it now.
The jig is up, and it's in 9/8 time!
Leo Kottke - An original Takoma pressing of his 1971 debut LP. It's hard for me to listen to Kottke- he makes me feel so inadequate...
from his own liner notes:
Watermelon: "...I had the opportunity to play a banjo in the middle of the night
for a wandering drunk. When I finished he vomited- an astute comment on my
playing. Made me feel very distinguished."
Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros- Streetcore: This CD kicks my ass. Now that I have a copy with the lyric insert intact, I see that Joe dedicated this album to Captain Beefheart. My heroes.
Dammit Joe. Why'd you have to go so early?
and I'm just dippin' into the pile...I got Neil Young, Allan Holdsworth, Jefferson Airplane, Papa John Creach, Schooner Fare and the Chieftains still to go.
It's gonna be a good show.
leo kottke is the man!!
makes me think of Sweet and Lowdown. everytime sean penn said he was the second best guitar player next to Djamgo Reinhardt, i always said, what about leo kottke???
woohoo...onya Allan.
You said the "Kottke" word!!
Damm him and his mastery of the accoustic 6 AND 12 string.
I'm going to go smash my guitar now...
"she had to go 'cause she didnt know who joe strummer was"
congrats on the job!!!!
*smiles four times*
Ok i recognize a couple of those names heh.
I'm so happy for you Allan on your new career! Look at how much you have changed your life in the last year - you have much to be proud of yourself for.
Congrats on the new job - and the new vinyl.
When you make it back this way I'll take you ti the store where I found an LP of Faulkner reading from Sound and the Fury and another one of Dylan Thomas reading many things - Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night and A Child's Christmas in Wales among them. The store mostly carries music, but I got distracted by the small box under the counter full of authors and poets.
Congratulations on the new job and passing the background check (they are instituting these in higher education too--kind of annoying).
Also thanks for the music tips, esp. the strummer/mescaleros recommendation.
wonderful news about the new job..good on ya bud..captain beefheart...oh yes...
hey, now i know i can sell my record collection to...my kids arent interested and dont think the grandkids are either..not sure they know what a record player is...
Susanne- Thanks for that! Glad you stuck around.
Lyz- I didn't know such things existed! Sounds great, though I'm a bit touchy about the way Thomas describes cats...even if he's right.
Everyone should have a small box of poets and authors.
Thivia- I think they should do background check, including drug and alcohol screens- it seems most politicos blame the booze for their fuck-ups (and maybe pills), so if we screened for that, wouldn't itprevent scandals?
YDG- A beefhead? awesome! Hey, shouldn't you be watching the game?
Donations to the station are tax-deductible- you can claim full price guide value...shipping records is a bitch. Good thing, or I woulda ebayed mine and have nothing to play.
the game is sucking so bad...........i dont want to talk about it..fuckity fuck fuck fuck
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