Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Mebbe I Will Start a Blog

Sorry, Pilgrim, but I done gone and ranted 'bout Hal'ween and Chrissermas and I jus' plain forgot all 'bout this here Thanksgibbin, which, near as I can figger, is smack-dab in-between Hal'ween and Chrissermas . It's like that most ev'ry year, I think.
Now, some of y'all prob'ly think that a feller like me might not care 'bout Thanksgibbon , on accounta the fact that I ain't never been good at saying Grace and stuff and rilly, what would a feller like me have to be Thanking about anyway?
I ain't exactly Hot Tuna, if ya know what I mean, and ain't nobody gonna get me mixed-up with someone famous and pay all my hotel bills by mistake, no sirree.
But that don't exactly mean that I ain't got some Thanking to be doing. Maybe my Thankings is littler than most folks might have, but they seem awful big to me now that I done gone and started makin' a list of 'em.

Right now , I got all my Thankings mixed-up outta order on accounta me not being able to think 'bout much 'cept this really encouragin' job innerview.
If I can't think 'bout nothin' but it, I reckon I might as well start with it.

I left the stables a little early, put on my best necktie , and drove out to talk to this right nice young lady who had called me ' bout a job with her company. I figgered she musta had me confused with some other fella with the same name as me, but no, she wanted me to hoof it out to her office and talk about some kinda work.

I gotta say, I ain't like most fellas when it comes to neckties. Most guys, they don't want no part of no neckties 'less it's a funeral or wedding, which my Granpappy usta say was the same thing- the weddins' and bury'ns , I mean, not the neckties. Granpappy only had one necktie that I can remember- it was one of them plaid jobbers that "goes with everything", he said.
Anyway, I got right many neckties and not all of them are plaid neither. I must admit that I feel pretty sharp when I have a necktie and a clean shirt on, so I felt like a cup o' razor soup, I was so sharp feelin' today.

I sure was surprised to see some old cowpoke buddies of mine, back from the days when we used to travel from saloon to saloon, paying for our drinks by playing geetars. Nowadays, my buddy has some kinda music computer machine insted of a geetar. He works there now.

I got a big ol' bearhug just as soon as I walked in the door, which I gotta admit felt like a good thing. I ain't used to working 'round people who are happy enough to be all huggy, so I figgered my friend must have some Thankings of his own. I felt extra-special happy as I started my innerview. You might think I'm slow all over just cos I don't think so good, but I can just kinda tell when I ain't gonna get the job at an innerview, and I didn't feel like that at all.
I know that "when can you start"?" is good and "we have some other people to interview first" is bad.
I told her two weeks. She didn't say nuthin' 'bout no other people.
If I get hired on, I'll be travellin' all round the US of A helpin' install fancy TV and stereo equipment, the big kinda stereos that bands play through when they need to play extra special loud.
It's big fancy work, and I felt like a pure dumb yokel when they asked how much money I wanted. I ain't the kind to name numbers but I got brave and gave them a real big one.
The girl didn't even flinch, just reminded me that all my travel expenses would be paid , and on top o' that I would get "per dee-yum" , which is like food money they give you every day. The "per deeyum" is almost as much as I get paid at the ranch for my whole job. Yee-hah!
I signed a whole buncha papers and I sure as heck feel hired, but it's not official-like yet, so I hope I ain't countin' my chikkens before my eggs get laid or whatever that sayin' is.

I'm just sayin' that I feel like Thankings after that innerview.

I did feel funny cos of my necktie , ev'rybody else had on jeans and t-shirts that weren't as clean as my dress-up shirt and my old pal said some cuss words about the Prezinit. At the stables, we ain't exactly allowed to cuss , 'specially bout the Prezinit. I reckon I'll fit in if I get the job.

If I do, I gotta get me one o' them laptop computers with the secret antennae that connects to the Interweb. I'll be spending a lot of time alone in hotels. Mebbe I'll start one of them blogs.


Anonymous said...

Dang feller!..I'll bet'cher happy'rn a speckled pup!

Citymouse said...

Wow... I almost thougth I was reading someone else.... you dumb down well.

Allan said...

That's the real me. It's every other post that was written by someone else!

yellowdoggranny said...

hey charlie...hey..HEY! not all of us texas are idjets...

sound like your from arkansas..

Allan said...

I just noticed something!

Why did you assume the 'character' in the story was dumb? His dialect or his actions?
In the tale, the guy feels comfortable with himself, he's well-liked, he gets the good job,he's very aware of the world around him, he knows a good thing when he see it and he's got the good grace to be thankful for what he has.

I wish I could be that 'dumb'.

yellowdoggranny said...

everyone assumes if you have a 'southern or texas' accent your dumb..fuckem
ok..is it just me..or am i the only one that refers to that picture in the right hand corner 'cock rock'?

Anonymous said...

congrats to ya

apositivepessimist said...

any job that requires jeans and teeshirt wearing has to be a good job.

Allan said...

Yeah, I hate that assumption too

'cock rock?' tsk, tsk, such a mind you have...

Susannity said...

When I came back from being stationed in Texas, y'all became a part of my vocabulary. LOVE that non-word. It is interesting that if you speak slower or with a southern accent, people believe the intellect is lacking. I've met some really stupid fast talkers in my day heh.
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year. Family and friends sitting around a long table eating the grub I made - there's nothing better.

em0 said...

I assumed he was dumb because his "speach" reminded me of Charlie in Flowers for Algernon. Like, how he would describe things. It was great to read =)