By 3pm a crowd was already gathering, despite the threat of rain.
Meanwhile, up in DC, Bill Clinton was raising money for Allen's opponent, Jim Webb. Webb is a member of the rapidly growing ranks of former Republicans now running as Dems.
Interestingly, the Washington Post chose today to endorse Mr. Webb.

I was happy to find that about half of the passing cars honked, flashed thumbs-up and peace signs, even joined in the chanting whilst waiting for the stoplight.
I mean, this is Richmond. We have a sumptuous boulevard dedicated to the 'heroes' of the American Civil War... most of the 'protests' I've attended here have been rather sparse, so I was glad to see real, actual protesters and not just a flier on a phone pole.
I thought dissent here pretty much ended when Grant burned the city towards the end of the U.S. Civil War, but here we were.
(Speaking of Civil War, Iraq was busily sinking even deeper into chaos and despair
while Bush played Sock Puppet for a crowd of $5,000-a-plate supporters)

Dubya must be coming. The police have blocked off the streets and advised us to step back. As far as I saw, the local boys in blue seemed to be quite professional and actually quite restrained, considering that a couple protesters yelled insults and obscenities at the officers.
In the background is the Virginia Science Museum, which is a pretty ironic place for Bush to hold a fund-raiser, considering his opposition to scientific advances that don't include Missile Defense schemes or insane Space Security proclamations.

People keep coming. This is great.
There's a buzz in the crowd, angry but united. I'm amazed by the incredible diversity of persons who have grievances with BuschCo. Contradictorily, it also it seems like there are only two kinds of people here:
- those who are willing to pay $5,000 to listen to Bush chimp his way through a crap dinner and inept speech
-The rest of America
Man, the mood is intense. I'm encouraged by the passion I see in my fellow Americans. Make no mistake- Americans can do great things when working together.
Our radio station is one example.
Here's a really inspiring story of Good Americans doing great things.

I imagine the Secret Service already has me on file, but here's a new pic for them.

History repeats. When the Twin and I were growing up, we would be toted to anti-war rallies- today there's a Babies Against Bush movement...the parallels to the 'Nam years are so obvious that even Dubya has to admit that maybe, just maybe, Iraq resembles Viet Nam.
His claims that Iraqi violence has anything at all to do with our election cycle is pure, recycled bullshit. Those poor Iraqi bastards are so busy killing and not getting killed that I doubt they give a fuck who wins in ourCongress.
But I do.

This is my town. This is my neighborhood. I live a few blocks away.
I am proud of the turn-out. Perhaps there's hope for Nov.7. The crowd is in a mood- I wonder how the rest of America feels?

This trio of flag wavers were the only non-uniformed Bush supporters who attended the visit. Eventually, they were swallowed up by the crowd and there was no GOP support at all.
UPDATE: I watched our local ABC news- they chose to air an interview of one of them, but barely gave two seconds time to the much larger anti-war crowd. The TV gave the impression that the there was a much larger GOP crowd, but in reality this was all they had- even the guy on the bike was just waiting to cross...

A guy in the crowd told me that a soldier raised his rifle when I dashed into the road for this pic, as the street had been shut at this point.
If I had been shot, the political 'Kent State' fall-out would certainly doom all GOP
glimmers of November hope.
I'm glad that didn't happen, but it woulda been worth it.
I love my country enough to take a bullet, that's for damned sure.
But I ain't takin' it for Bush.

This is the soldier. I kept a respectful distance for this pic.
There was a wall of charter buses so that the Preznit wouldn't have to see the Americans who came to say 'hello'.
He's the Decidenator. Why should he care what the majority of the people want?
That would be an unpleasant reminder of that democracy thing that he hates so much.
Damn, now I wish I came up for that, there is a shitload of people out.
My only problem with this whole fucked up mess that Bushco has created is how any thinking person could not have seen that this would be the result of having a pinhead as preznit and why it took this long for America to wake up.
It is nice to see there are still people who believe in freedom and the bill of rights!
I dunno Allan but you seem to have a certain crazed gleam in yer eye...they'll certainly be watching you mate. heh.
did bsbush ever get to see the crowds of 'dissenters'?...he lives in a bubble where everything comes up roses..im really proud of you allan..and what a sweet bald head you have...
Yeah, his limo turned at the crowded corner-not sure if he looked- I couldn't get a pic before it pulled into the drive behind the buses
Of course the local media all but ignored this- this sort of thing is pretty unsual in Richmond- you'd think the media would notice.
Nice turnout buddy!I think it's especially decent of you to help the SS update their file photos.
It used to be that Bush would have any negative rallies staged in areas that the motorcade would not pass. There was a lot of uproar over that so maybe the ACLU or someone was able to get that to stop.
I really love how you show how many Bush supporters showed up vs what was reported/insinuated on the news.
All the political stuff I've seen seems to indicate the Dems will take Congress back - hope so. Obama has also changed his mind about not running to a maybe running. I hope so cause there's not a lot of inspiring Dem candidates as it were.
Now these are the Americans I defend over here in Sweden. Love ya guys. <3
PLEASE check in to indymedia.org, scroll to Richmond on the left hand side in a few days to find out about our next event. Hope to have another event here in Richmond before election. BTW, went to the registrar's today and was somewhat relieved at seeing/playing with the current voting system. Go to Richmondgreens@yahoogroups.com to read what I found out today. Thanks and peace, Rain
OOPS! Got a bunch of links about Richmond's AVS WinVote system failures. Will be asking for a paper ballot. Sorry for the bad reporting. Rain
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