Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Anus in the Morning

Don Imus is a raging asshole?
Who knew?

I think I was the last person in the world to hear about his remarks about the Rutger's Women's Basketball team- I heard a lot of angry responses and from the tone of the rebuttals and condemnation I thought he must have said the 'N-word' since nobody was repeating his words on TV.
So I Googled it. He didn't use the N-word.

What he said was worse. It even offended me and I'm from the South...I'm accustomed to loudmouthed racist assholes, but sometimes someone just fucks up so badly that there can't be any further explanation or apology.

Once you have referred to a group of women- including a class valedictorian, a future lawyer and a musical prodigy who plays classical piano by ear- as "nappy-headed ho's" you really don't need to say anything else. You have made yourself very clear.

The words define the man with immutable clarity.
His explanations of "context and comedy" mean nothing.

Holy shit.
I just heard Imus try to explain that it was OK for him to disparage and insult Black women because Black men do the same thing all the time.
Wow. That's one of the worst "apologies" I've ever heard.
Who coached him- Mike Richards?
Anyone who doesn't understand how incredibly racist the attitude expressed by that particular "explanation" is needs to do some serious soul-searching.

I mean, you know you've fucked-up bigtime when you have to apologize to Al Sharpton.

But. And this is a big but...

We have a First Amendment. I don't respect Mr. Imus or his personal and political beliefs. I don't respect the man, period.
But I respect his right to say whatever he wants.

We get the entertainers we deserve because we keep paying attention to persons who are beneath contempt and unworthy of notice.
This incident is preventing me from giving proper attention to the breaking Anna Nicole news...you see what I mean? Why do we even care?

There is no law saying that I have to listen to him, so I don't, but there are enough people who do listen that he still has a career- maybe.

I don't think he should be fired. Not right away.

If what he said carries the weight that it should, then his audience will leave him and his sagging ratings will lead to his early retirement. That is what should happen, but it might not.

If there are enough people who are willing to listen to anything that this loathsome slug utters to keep him employed- and I'm guessing that there are- then he should keep his job.

And every time some sheltered white person tells me that we've moved past reactionary racism and sexism in this country, I will be able to point out that Don Imus called the some of the brightest young women in the country "nappy headed ho's" and he still has an audience.


Enemy of the Republic said...

We were talking about him at work. Why the f#)*@ does he even exist? Yeah, free speech, but this is not language, but garbage. And what do we do with garbage? Landfill, please.

Allan said...
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Allan said...

Ooops, that was me...

He exists because we have enough neanderthals with wallets to support him. I hope that changes and his sponsors continue to leave, but I don't believe in censorship- he will drive away his audience and wind up on late-night infomercials, or worse...I hope, anyway.

Let the assholes and hypocrites of the world dig their own graves.

Butchie said...

He should have just called the "chicken heads".

Sling said...

I heard about this this morning,and for the life of me I can't figure out what this supposedly educated person was thinking.I'm curious to see how the reaction from listeners and sponsors affects his career,assuming he still has one.

the rube said...

were his ratings sagging before the little outburst?

Allan said...

Butchie- he shoulda said : "Is this microphone on?"

Sling- Obviously, he was thinking the N-word and displayed remarkable restraint and tact by limiting himself to "nappy-headed ho's"

Rube- Probably. I've been ignoring him for ten years- didn't even know he was still on...you don't think this whole thing is being blown up for publicity , do you? That would disturb my unwavering trust in the American Media.

whimsical brainpan said...

This country is nowhere close to moving past racism and sexism! We are not even in the same galaxy.

Allan said...

Didn't I just say that?

apositivepessimist said...

he looks like a very old Ted Danson in that pic.

AngelConradie said...

that is so true... and in my country we have racists and criminals who still have their jobs!