Wednesday, May 02, 2007

" Success is not no violence."

UPDATE: This is just a piece of political 'filler' I did because Dubya's incoherence, wrong-headedness and incompetence fills me with great pain. This blog really isn't about politics anymore, but thanks for visiting anyway.

I guess my willpower isn't as strong as I thought.

Somehow I fooled myself into believing that I could just walk away and never look back- but it's never that easy, is it?

So here I am. Alone with the cable news and Godzilla help me I'm gonna do it because I can't stop it.
Lou Dobbs is my enabler.
I'm writing about politics again. Just a quick one, then I'll quit again. Promise.
Oh hey, sorry about the last time.

No one can see me if I don't hit publish, I think, and my battle is lost. Another tab opens, another set of headlines are scanned...and I wait for the rush.

And wait.

It's a rush alright. A torrent of sewage loosed from the cancerous bowels of Hell.

I can't believe I used to enjoy this. But it begins again:

The 222-203 vote to override Bush's veto fell far short of the two-thirds needed, effectively killing the $124 billion supplemental appropriations bill.

George Bush is still President? How is that possible?

He just said this when asked about the ongoing collapse of Iraqi society- I quote:

" Success is not no violence."

My shame and despair deepens to an almost unknowable depth.

I feel the need to hurt myself.

" Success is not no violence."
" Success is not no violence."
" Success is not no violence."
" Success is not no violence."

I guess it's only fitting that he describes his goals using a double negative.

"" Success is not no violence." =" Success is violence."

Mission Accomplished.

He continues:

There are parts of our own country that have got a certain level of violence to it.But success is a level of violence where the people feel comfortable about living their daily lives. And that’s what we’re trying to achieve. And that’s what we’re trying to achieve.
What level of "comfortable" violence is acceptable to you? Your family? I'm hoping none.
Were the Va. Tech shootings "comfortable?"
Worse things happen in Baghdad every single day-
why is it acceptable there but shocking here?


Faerie said...

Even I know a double negative becomes a positive... DUMBFUCK!!!

Did I get my true feelings out? .. I want him to start doing coke again... REALLY.

the blogger formerly known as yinyang said...

"War Is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength." 1984

I really need to read that book sometime, so I just put it on hold at my library. Orwell may as well have been a prophet.

Romeo Morningwood said...

Violence in Iraqistan is acceptable because it's over there and 'those' people, how do I put this, will not be joining Americans during the Rapture.

Lou Dobbs is an anomoly in the CNN spectrum..he seems centered and sincere and I don't understand why his message is not being heard.
As you flip over to the headline wing you have personality crisis central..Glenn Beck, Paula, this the same universe?

I have completely stopped watching Canadian News because I realise that in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter..our country is marginalised and moderate and the rest of the world will only gauge us by our connection to the US.

During the Day our soldiers are fighting the Taliban in Arfghhanistan, fixing infrastructure, rebuilding schools, supplying Doctors...and at night the Taliban sneaks into those same villages and wreak havoc by executing people who have accepted aid from the infidels.

The entire world is crazy upside down and at the centre of it all is Karl, Don, Dick and their Spokesman Dubya. Lobbyists control the process and the Media takes notes instead of asking questions.

I just watched a Bill Moyers special on how compliant the media was when George and his Cabinet started beating the drums..none of the big media outlets confronted them..because they are all Corporations and they are all in on it... OK I had better stop..the whole thing drives me crazy!

How can a country with 70million handguns be serious about violence..and a State where you are only allowed to buy one gun per month has a massacre in a College...and then the media focusses on the narcissistic little prick instead of all of the destroyed lives. F*CK!

whimsical brainpan said...

That man is such an idiot that every time I hear him speak I can feel my brain cells die.

I loathe the moron.

Citymouse said...

okay, lets all remember he cant think for himself and give a bit of crap to the writers too. Oh, did i mention i hate bush?

Allan said...

My two cents on my two cents:




better now

Allan said...

Vis- I think you got your wish- the man is on something- maybe drinking again?

YY- Yes, you do need to read your Orwell. Don't forget Animal Farm. Orwell WAS a prophet.

H- Well, those were rhetorical questions I posed at the end, but I gotta say those are excellent replies.

Whim- It's like the whole country has been eating lead-based paint chips for seven years.

AMPM! Long time!How do?
I suspect that there is a sharp increase in "accidental on-purpose" fuck-ups by severely disgruntled White House staffers- probably a lot more than we'll ever know. At least I'm hopin'!

yellowdoggranny said...

forsooth..someone stole my fuckity fuck fuck fuck''s ok...the world needs more fuckity fuck's...

AngelConradie said...

you know, i don't follow politics at all- i don't watch the news if i can help it, it pisses me off no end...
but how can anyone spout such CRAP and still be voted into office!
"comfortable violence" now there's an oxymoron if ever i heard one! you know, its similar to our president saying its racist whites who are exaggerating the crime situation in south africa!