Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Bush: 'Right To Life' Excludes The Living

"Destroying human life in the hopes of saving human life is not ethical. And it is not the only option before us,'' the president said.

This is the first time in six years that I have heard George W. Bush tell the truth.
Unfortunately, it's only true if taken out of context.
If he had made the preceding statement as a reason to not invade Iraq, he would have been both honest and wise.
But George W. Bush is neither honest nor wise.

The "human life" BushCo refers to :
Specifically, embryonic stem cells are derived from embryos that develop from eggs that have been fertilized in vitro—in an in vitro fertilization clinic—and then donated for research purposes with informed consent of the donors. They are not derived from eggs fertilized in a woman's body. The embryos from which human embryonic stem cells are derived are typically four or five days old and are a hollow microscopic ball of cells called the blastocyst.
The "human lives" have no probability of being born. If they are not used for research, they will be discarded, presumably incinerated in the same fashion as medical waste such as surgical gauze and amputated limbs. Research or not, they will be destroyed, but BushCo is a real enthusiast for the unnecessary sacrifice of people and resources, and there is no reason to expect his enthusiasm for the sacrifice of others to exclude frozen Microscopic- Americans.

"Thank Allah the embryos are safe!"

"America is a nation founded on the principle that all human life is sacred. And our conscience calls us to pursue the possibilities of science in a manner that respects human dignity and upholds our moral values," Bush said, vetoing a bill for just the third time in more than six years in office.

There has been blood on every Bush veto.

He has vetoed stem cell research twice. The other vetoed bill was a war funding package that required a timetable for troop withdrawal in Iraq.

Medical research that could help millions of people without risking a single real "human life?".

Peace? A plan? That's crazy talk.
War is where the money is and the profit faucet ain't gettin' turned off. No way.

Both bills were supported by a large majority of the American public.

On the surface, it seems pretty obvious that Bush is merely caving in to his rabid neo-con base, trying to throw them a hush-puppy to settle them down over the immigration unpleasantness. And that's probably the true reason behind his veto...


Perhaps Bush knows something we don't. Maybe there is a man-made catastrophe looming- a biological war or a series of unfortunately-timed industrial/environmental mishaps- and it is threatening to render the human species sterile. Maybe we are gonna need all those frozen embryos in order to replenish the human race. Six years ago, I would have said that as a Not sure.

As it stands, it is extremely unlikely that any of the contested embryos will ever be 'born', i.e., converted into a 'real' human being, funding or no funding.
But if did happen, wouldn't it be funny if every child 'born' from one of these "rescued" in-vitro embryos somehow turned out to be gay?

That would be justice.


whimsical brainpan said...

Not that W is capable of reason but I don't see how he doesn't get that these embryos are going to be destroyed (therefore killed to the conservative way of thinking) anyway. Either way they if they are used or not they are "dead" embryos, why not use them to save lives?

the blogger formerly known as yinyang said...

Is that a real hand they're staring at? I guess it would be too much to ask where the rest of the body was...

Craig D said...

The headline in this morning's paper was "US Troops Rescue Iraqi Orphans."

I can only image's take on it:

"US Troops Create, Rescue 24 Iraqi Orphans."

I don't "get" the whole stem cell thing. Never have, never will.

yellowdoggranny said...

best post just keep getting better and better..
since when does anything bush say or do make sense?...bastid..

AngelConradie said...

he has psychics on his advisory committee doesn't he...

bonjourtristesse said...

Stellar post. It's crazy, but how many other times in the near future are you going to realize that the stuff you joked about years ago may indeed become a whole lot serious...scary to think what may come to pass in the coming months and years...IMPEACH BUSH NOW! ...and I'm not even American...

Anonymous said...

I would've paid somebody a hundred bucks to ask him if his "life for a life" theory applied to Iraq.

Except the bail money to get that person out of jail would probably be a lot more than 100 bucks.

Allan said...

Boy is in a bubble.

YY- No, it's fake. Much like the Apollo Moon landings, the entire Iraq war is actually being filmed on a hidden soundstage in a backlot at Warner Bros. Damn Liberal Media!

JS- He makes sense if you are evil
and stupid.

E- "how many other times in the near future are you going to realize that the stuff you joked about years ago may indeed become a whole lot serious..."
My prediction is : A lot. A whole lot.Daily.
I need some help with my prognostications- help!

Angel- Worse than that- he has preachers.

JP- You can post bail from Gitmo?