The first time I encountered it, I was dismayed and bewildered.
Is this a sick joke?, I wondered.
This poster suggests the Great Wall was an ancient form of Habitat for Humanity, with neighbor helping neighbor and stranger helping stranger, all with good intention- but that's not a very accurate image.
That wall was built because of teamwork, alright- it was built to keep opposing 'teams' apart, sort of like a giant stone volleyball net that the naked eye can see from Earth orbit.
In truth, the Chinese spent over a thousand years building that wall and not all of the labor was voluntary. Portions were built by conscripts, convicts, slaves, the poor and other members of the sacrificial class, who were sometimes worked until they literally dropped dead on the job.
At day's end, the bodies would be collected and dumped into mass graves within spitting distance of the Wall. Some were actually interred in the structure itself.
Go Team!
You know what else the Chinese spent a lot of time working on?
Some of the world's first weaponized rockets were launched at the same Mongols that portions of the wall were built to defend against.
Ironically, it was gunpowder that made the Wall obsolete militarily. Imagine a game of Rock, Scissors, Paper. The wall is 'Rock'. Artillery is 'Paper'. Hunker down!
China eventually annexed Mongolia and held it until shortly before World War One; the newly -independent Mongolia was soon 'acquired' by the Russians and later, the Klingons....meanwhile, Mao's Cultural Revolution transformed China into a "Worker's Paradise" ; following Mao's death in 1976, the Chinese government credited much of his humanistic achievements to the teamwork of the so-called Gang of Four, who were subsequently rewarded with lengthy prison terms and commuted executions.

I wager that I could sneak into my old office and replace this poster:

with this one:

and it would be days, maybe weeks, before anyone noticed.
I've noticed that the one's touting "Teamwork!" at the top of their lungs,are usually the one's kickin' back in air-conditioned comfort,while everyone else does the actual work...As it was..So it is.
I also noticed those pushing the team work slogan are the head of the team..and don't actually do any work...
I bet you're right. It would almost be worth printing out just to see what happens.
Teamwork, schwemwork. Not everyone in team puts in the same effort.
All "teammembers" are praised or scolded for a project, when usually it is only the same couple of individuals that actually had the creativity to develop the project and did the work necessary to complete the project. And, there's always the complete slacker who basically did NOTHING except attend the post-project happy hour.
you need to look at dispare.com
i've seen that poster- but i don't think i ever read it... heh heh, and i won't bet, i don't think anyone would notice...
Thanks for the great work. You don't mind staying late (without pay) and helping some more, do you?
Markoff Chaney is my hero.
CM- I did. There's no content, just ad links. ?
Angel- That poster is international code for: "this job is gonna suck"
Allan,these posters might lift your mood.
Nice post! And of course, the ever present question, who thinks UP this crap?
MC-ha! I think that must be the site that Citymouse meant.
To answer: I don't know. I want their job.
HAHAHAH!! I like your take on that. I always see those crap posters and want to set myself on fire rather than read another one. One of my coworkers has not one, but two hanging in her office where interviewees sit. If I hadn't pre-dated this woman I'd have never gotten past that first interview before I walked out. :P
Oh. Happy Tuesday! =D
now they charge tourists 20 bucks to get their picture taken on it.
owning a team can be profitable.
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