Olympic ex-champion Marion Jones recently confessed to using banned substances during the 2000 Summer Games and was subsequently stripped of her awards.
In total, she had to return five medals. The medals were retroactively awarded to the athletes who placed immediately behind Ms. Jones.
MOSCOW, Oct 12 (Reuters) - Former Olympic champion Irina Privalova has said she would not be happy to receive the Sydney Games 4x400 metres relay silver medal the Russians will get after American Marion Jones confessed to using steroids."No, I'm not happy at all to get that silver instead of the bronze," Privalova, who retired after Sydney, was quoted as saying by the All Sport news agency."I'm not happy because Marion's admission to drug use is a real tragedy for our sport."
WASHINGTON, Dec 31 (CBF)- Newly appointed President Al Gore today said that he isn't "exactly thrilled" over the recent Supreme Court decision to overturn their own ruling on Gore v. Bush and retroactively award the Presidency to Mr. Gore in last week's landmark decision, Reality v. Bush, which received a unanimous 8-0 ruling in favor of Reality.
Judge Clarence Thomas, claiming 'exhaustion' from the rigors of his recent book tour, declined to vote.
"Of course, I wanted to be President", said an exasperated Gore at a morning conference, " but to be awarded the Office in such a way just points out how desperate and dysfunctional our political system has become. Plus, I think it would be easier to save Polar bears with napalm fireballs than it will be to fix Bush's mess in Iraq. I'm not looking forward to that."
When asked what his first course of action as President would be, Gore responded: "Fire Lieberman."
wait... um, i understand the athlete and the medals thing, but i'm a little lost on the rest...
Angel- It's a USA thing and a very long story...
In 2000, the same year as the as the Sydney Olympics, BushCo 'won' the US election by cheating -51% of the US voters chose Gore, but the Supreme Court chose Bush.
I was also joking on how folks seem to have already anointed Gore as Prez even though he ain't even runnin'. Yet.
LMFAO! Brilliant!
what a fucking nightmare!
tipper's gonna be the first lady!
warning labels on music, family values.........
ooooohhhhh... i see!
Guess Al will just have to be happy with his Nobel Peace Prize.
He'll only have to give it back once Rush, Bush & Co. have proven what a "hoax" Global Warming is, though.
clever! If Only, with the Supreme Court do-over. Although Gore would probably go into hiding rather than be the one to clean up that Charlie-Fox.
At least Marion made her admission/apology with some class. I actually felt bad for her, in a weird way. I really feel for the athletes who competed against her.
Whim! Whim!
Rube- Didja ever read/hear Frank Zappa taking Mr & Mrs Gore to task during the PMRC uproar? FZ was da man! We wound up with valueless labels anyway...
CD- Gore won a Nobel? Get out!
MC- Jones lied, cheated and stole, repeatedly and with intent to deceive. She may have been an amazing amateur athlete, but she was terrible as a professional criminal. I wouldn't be surprised if she got the Medal of Freedom from BushCo as a compensation prize.
Nader won the 2000 election. He successfully proved that the whole process is corrupt and needs to be reformed.
Of course, there's still some Republicrats who refuse to recognize that.
now that is very very smart...
and people that cheat should pay the consequences...so someone kick bush out of office..
Oh my goodness! That was so funny. Glad to have you back, Allan.
Anon- That's like drowning yourself to prove you can't swim.
JS- It's the utter disregard of consequences that leads me to conclude that BushCo and his outspoken X-tian cronies are closet atheists...if they were really afraid of Hell, they'd behave better.
Beth- I was thinking of you...
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