Here's why:

Bartcop did the math. He points out that if you owned 1 million shares of Halliburton before
the wars, you would have roughly 6 million dollars- today,with the stock split in 2006, those shares would be worth $80 million.
That's a profit of $74 million dollars in 4 years.
$19,000 per dead soldier.
Is it worth it?

You've surely heard of Blackwater by now- they are America's largest corporate militia, a shadow Army of mercenaries who are accountable to no one but the Grim Reaper and Erik Prince- who may be the same person.
Blackwater numbers:
-Federal Blackwater contracts in 2001 : $736,906
-Federal contracts in 2006 : $ 593 million
-Total value of Blackwater contracts, end 2006: $ 1 billion
-Percentage growth since 2001: 80,453
Eighty THOUSAND percent?
The funding for this enormous growth has come almost entirely from the Federal Government, with the approval of the same President who just vetoed children's health care. Priorities.
It's probably just a coincidence, but Exxon's profits doubled as soon as the war started and have continued to rise at a meteoric pace- yet Exxon still gets extremely generous tax breaks from BushCo- the same BushCo that claimed some of the children's health care he just vetoed might go to families that can "afford" medicine.
How about the tax cuts that go to people and corporations that can afford to pay taxes? Why doesn't BushCo scrap those?
It's a rhetorical question.

Ask this woman.

haven't you heard of trickle down economics?
money's gonna start raining on the poor any day now.
rolls of pennies from 20,000 feet and they'll be dropped on the welfare lines and homeless shelters.
people say if you use the fuck word it's vulgar, that porn is vulgar, violence is vulgar..what is vulgar is these people making so much money on the blood of our soldiers and the tears of their families...
oh allan, your posts are so pointed and clear... why the hell can't the powers that be see things the same way!!!?!?
Rube- It's a hard rain...
JS- Fart jokes are vulgar. This war is profane.
Angel- They absolutely DO see things AT LEAST as clearly as me- except their incentive is profit at any expense- and their plans are succeeding. It takes a genius to raise profits 80,000 percent in five years- in this case, an EVIL genius.
Another excellent post Allan!
I'm surrounded at work by people who buy into every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of BushCo...This is where I come to reassure myself that I'm not the one who's out of their friggin' mind!..
You are, of course, preaching to the choir. But please do - I agree with Sling that we need a place to reassure ourselves that we're not the ones out of our friggin' minds!
Sling, CS:
You guys come here for 'sanity'? That's nuts!
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