The first thing to know is that if you focus on losing weight, you will attract back having to lose more weight, so get "having to lose weight" out of your mind. It's the very reason why diets don't work. Because you are focused on losing weight, you must attract back continually having to lose weight.
The second thing to know is that the condition of being overweight was created through your thought to it. To put it in the most basic terms, if someone is overweight, it came from thinking "fat thoughts," whether that person was aware of it or not. A person cannot think "thin thoughts" and be fat. It completely defies the law of attraction.
Whether people have been told they have a slow thyroid, a slow metabolism, or their body size is hereditary, these are all disguises for thinking "fat thoughts." If you accept any of those conditions as applicable to you, and you believe it, it must
become your experience, and you will continue to attract being overweight.
She flatly states: "A person cannot think "thin thoughts" and be fat."
The Obvious wonders how Byrne was able to reach such a conclusion. Does she possess telepathic powers? Perhaps she owns a device that measures "thin thoughts" vs. "fat thoughts"?
The Obvious conclusion is that spending more time exercising and less time watching self-help DVDs would be a better approach to weight management than any sort of ' thin thoughts' program.
Still think The Secret might be valid? Replace the problem of being overweight with a problem that is more difficult to control than body weight. We'll use the same jumbled syntax and fuzzy logic espoused by Byrne, The Obvious will simply change the specific problem that is to be overcome.
Read this:
The first thing to know is that if you focus on having cancer, you will attract back having more cancer , so get "having cancer" out of your mind. It's the very reason why medical treatments don't work. Because you are focused on having cancer, you must attract back continually having cancer.
The second thing to know is that the condition of having cancer was created through your thought to it. To put it in the most basic terms, if someone has cancer, it came from thinking "cancer thoughts," whether that person was aware of it or not. A person cannot think "healthy thoughts " and be sick. It completely defies the law of attraction.
Whether people have been told they smoked too much, were exposed to gamma radiation , or their illness is hereditary, these are all disguises for thinking "cancer thoughts." If you accept any of those conditions as applicable to you, and you believe it, it must become your experience, and you will continue to attract having cancer.
Simple question: Do you believe that?
i'm a fatalist.
we're all born with an expiration date on our ass.
my fat thoughts think the person who wrote that book, should kiss my fat ass....
I rather believe tis the Physiognomy of the Face, and the position of fixede starres in the Heavens, (and mayhap the workings of Witches, or othere Servants of the Devill) that doth engender mild or grosse humours to take roote in thy earthly frame.
I have always believed in the Secret. Before the book came out, I was told by my most wonderful 3 grade teacher what what ever I thougth about and worked at in a postive way could be mine.
I know part of my not having a good income right now is because I am thinking about the bills and not about money. It is a habit, like bitting my nails. I just need to get back in the habit of goals and thinking of what i want, not what I got and dont want.
Think and grow rich talks about this-- I am looking for my copy now. I reread this book when money is tight.
I alway do what i have to do -- walk / eat right/ etc. but I think thin-- the jeans i put on, the shoes, even when I didnt fit into my cloths, I wouldnt ware my jogging suit!
so yes, i agree
well...i haven't read it, but after reading snippets and extracts, i truly have a hard time believing she has managed to garner such a following!
Unless there is a chapter about the irrefutable benefits of wearing a tin foil pyramid helmet to block sinister beta brainwaves then I can't see how this book could of any use.
...just sayin'...
I don't believe stuff like this, but usually prefer the company of the sort of people who do.
The secret is out:
"No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."
Henry Mencken
Rube- Do you mean you believe in pre-destination or that life is invariably fatal, or both?
JS- Once I stopped attracting beer and started attracting long walks, I stopped attracting flab. Now I have attracted my ribcage into visibility, so perhaps I'd better attract some pizza and sausages.
Schlep 1- I'm raising medicinal leeches should you become overfull of bad humors.
2- Why? You play poker?
CM- Ah...I think there is something to 'what goes around, comes around' but it's largely indefinable - however, The Secret, IMO misses the point- it's concerns are mainly ones of vanity and greed- look better, make money- those are not high-ticket karmic aspirations.
Why not use this 'power' to help others instead of oneself? It could save the world.
Angel- It's so badly written that it's difficult to understand what she is saying- to me it sounds like a parody of the 1970's PMA stuff...she doesn't provide any science at all, just empty anecdotal (at best) accounts.
I am all about the proof- and there isn't any...but, viewed in another sense, perhaps it's sorta like AA- AA does not work for me but it does work for other people. ?
That's what I'm counting on!
CD-*sigh* That is what THEY want ou to think...
I have been over this many times...wearing a tin-foil hat is like wearing an antennae on your head- it IMPROVES the reception of mind-control beams. Lead is your best protection- it's why the Government took the lead out of paint and gasoline- it was interfering with the mind-lasers. Notice how obedient and complacent we've become since those EPA regs went down? Hmm? Hmmm?
allan, that is the point! what else do you do with it all?
You know, I haven't read it, but had kindof sortof formed the vague opinion that it was so much bullshit. But I told myself that wasn't fair, as I hadn't read the book. Reading these excerpts -- yeah, hot stinking bullshit.
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