Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Carbomb Dating

I watched quite a bit of yesterday's Iraq hearing. It took all day for us to learn what we already knew: Iraq is an unsolvable mess.

Gen. Petreaus kept repeating that the "progress we have made is fragile and reversible"...this sounds reasonable, doesn't it?

A cautious, sober assessment from a military expert, right?

Wrong. It's complete bullshit. Anyone with a dictionary and a fifth-grade education can disprove it.

progress (noun):

#1 Movement, as toward a goal; advance.
#2 Development or growth: students who show progress.
#3 Steady improvement, as of a society or civilization.

In 2002 Iraq was a corrupt dictatorship. It was also modern nation with a modern infrastructure; most of the country had electricity, indoor plumbing and cars that didn't explode.

Today none of that is true. Goodbye dictatorship, hello foreign-led martial law. No more electricity, plumbing or infrastructure and the cars aren't nearly as safe as they used to be.
The average Iraqi is, by any measure, far worse off today than they were in 2002.
The U.S. invasion, which no longer even has a goal, hasn't produced any progress at all, only destruction, death and displacement.
The only way that we could reverse the 'progress' we have made since 2003 would be to build a time machine and travel back to 2000 and change the Presidential election results- and any fifth-grader knows that we don't have time machines.

Sometimes it feels as if I live in a deja vu machine. Listening to the conversation about what would happen should Iraq become a "failed state" was like listening to a debate on what would happen if the Ottoman Empire should collapse-I mean, when a nation measures it's monthly bombings by the hundred, it's hard to think of it as anything other than failed.
(I feel the same way when I hear the News clones speculating on whether or not we are heading into a economic recession. )

Each politician prefaced their questions with obsequious praise about the service of the General, the Ambassador, our troops ; how proud they were and what a great job they were doing etc would have been more appropriate to take 4,024 moments of silence, declare peace and go home.

One Republican suggested that our troops were following in the footsteps of George Washington and Abe Lincoln, comparisons that make no political, military or historical 1776, for example, George Washington was the leader of a rag-tag rebel militia comprised largely of ill-equipped civilians who were forced into war with an occupying force of overwhelming military superiority.
Washington's men were the insurgents, not the occupiers...during the American Revolution, the British employed quite a few mercenary contractors, the most famous of which were the Hessians, a group whose modern counterparts would be 'contractors' hired from for-profit armies such as Blackwater.

In 1776, George Washington handed the foreign mercenaries a resounding defeat at the Battle of Trenton. The mercenaries were hung-over and half-asleep when Washington's men surprised them on Christmas - imagine what today's politicos would say about armed, nationalistic rebels with the audacity to attack sleeping men during a Christian holiday.
They wouldn't call them patriots, but that's what they were.

Lincoln? He said Lincoln. How are our troops like Abe Lincoln?
In the same way that they are like JFK.
It's an unfortunate comparison to make.

The Cable Clones broke away from the Iraq Bullfest to switch over to a ceremony where Resident Evil was giving the Medal of Honor to the parents of a dead Navy SEAL. The young man had thrown himself on top of a live grenade, sacrificing his life to save the lives of two men with him.
The SEAL died in 2006; I'm sure the timing of the ceremony to coincide with the 2008 Iraq Report was purely accidental.

When the TV coverage returned, I saw General Petraeus in a new light. My anger at him had vanished. He is simply a soldier falling on a live grenade, sacrificing himself to protect others.
It's his duty.

The sad thing is, he's sacrificing himself to protect Resident Bush. That's like taking a bullet for Charles Manson.
No justice in that.

BushCo gives loud lip-service to " supporting our troops", but I'd argue that BushCo treats our military with a profound disregard and a deadly disrespect that has never been seen by any prior C-in-C. Asking our troops to die for a goal that cannot even be defined is sheer malevolence- asking them to die for someone else's profits adds a strong element of avarice and forcing our military leadership to explain the unexplainable throws a heaping spoonful of cowardice into the mix.

Evil. Greed. Cowardice.

Picture this: It's 3 a.m. on an early winter morning, 1944. In Europe the Nazis are planning a counterattack against the advancing Allied forces when General Dwight D. Eisenhower's phone rings. On the other end is President Franklin Roosevelt.
"Ike", says FDR, "I need you to come home and explain to America why we are fighting."
That didn't happen. FDR made his own speeches.
BTW, we won that war and nobody had to explain why we invaded Normandy.

The military is already fighting Bush's war in Iraq and our Resident is making them fight his political battles at home too. That's a disgrace to the uniform and to the Office.

If we pull out of Iraq, Iraq might become a fractured, violent, unstable region with a population and leadership that strongly dislikes America.

Austria-Hungary might collapse.

We might lose the Alamo.

The U.S.S. Maine might sink.

Let's take that chance.


yellowdoggranny said...

i was so pissed watching it i almost had a seizure..and when bush got all teary eyed when talking about the soldier than threw himself on the gernade i almost threw up ...that sonofabitch...

Anonymous said...

I can't even watch anymore, it just ties me up in knots.

Fringe Element Enthusiast said...

I just want to know when the revolution in the U.S. will's not any getting better. Stupid assbag jockboy/girl Americans still want bigger cars with metal testicles hanging on the back, complete with a china-made USA Flag sticker on the back and FUCK YOU attitude. HOW CAN WE CHANGE THIS? As long as we are placated with the pleasures of Rome, how can we get off the couch or internet to do something major?

And here is who we have and how they vote in terms of Iraq:

# Iraq war vote was meant to be used as coercive diplomacy. (Jan 2008)
# Voted against Levin Amendment: it gave UN veto over US. (Jan 2008)
# Voted for Iraq war based on available info; now would not. (Apr 2007)
# Critic of Iraq war, but won't recant 2002 vote in its favor. (Nov 2006)
# Regrets Bush's handling of war, but not her war vote. (Oct 2006)
# Voted YES on designating Iran's Revolutionary Guards as terrorists. (Sep 2007)
# Voted YES on redeploying US troops out of Iraq by March 2008. (Mar 2007)
# Voted NO on redeploying troops out of Iraq by July 2007. (Jun 2006)
# Voted YES on investigating contract awards in Iraq & Afghanistan. (Nov 2005)
# Voted YES on requiring on-budget funding for Iraq, not emergency funding. (Apr 2005)
# Voted YES on $86 billion for military operations in Iraq & Afghanistan. (Oct 2003)
# Voted YES on authorizing use of military force against Iraq. (Oct 2002)


# Voted to fund war until 2006; now wants no blank check. (Nov 2007)
# Late to vote against war is not late to oppose war. (Jun 2007)
# Spending on the Cold War relics should be for the veterans. (Jun 2007)
# Would have voted no to authorize the President to go to war. (Jul 2004)
# Voted YES on redeploying US troops out of Iraq by March 2008. (Mar 2007)
# Voted NO on redeploying troops out of Iraq by July 2007. (Jun 2006)
# Voted YES on investigating contract awards in Iraq & Afghanistan. (Nov 2005)


# Congress has no authority to cut off funds for Iraqi use. (Jan 2007)
# Voted NO on redeploying non-essential US troops out of Iraq in 9 months. (Dec 2007)
# Voted NO on redeploying troops out of Iraq by July 2007. (Jun 2006)
# Voted NO on investigating contract awards in Iraq & Afghanistan. (Nov 2005)
# Voted YES on requiring on-budget funding for Iraq, not emergency funding. (Apr 2005)
# Voted YES on $86 billion for military operations in Iraq & Afghanistan. (Oct 2003)
# Voted YES on authorizing use of military force against Iraq. (Oct 2002)
# Voted NO on allowing all necessary force in Kosovo. (May 1999)
# Voted YES on authorizing air strikes in Kosovo. (Mar 1999)
# Voted YES on ending the Bosnian arms embargo. (Jul 1995)
# Supports $48 billion in new spending for anti-terrorism. (Jan 2002)
# CIA assessments ib Iraqi WMDs were all wrong. (Mar 2005)
# Belief in Iraqi nukes was poor analysis of aluminum tubes. (Mar 2005)
# Belief in Iraqi BWs was based on one unreliable person. (Mar 2005)
# Belief in Iraqi CWs was based on flawed imagery. (Mar 2005)
# Iraq never had delivery systems to attack US mainland. (Mar 2005)
# CIA never questioned assumption that Saddam had WMDs. (Mar 2005)
# Conclusions on Iran and North Korea are all classified. (Mar 2005)
# Move the US Embassy to Jerusalem. (Nov 1995)


I so wish the Green Party were stronger these days....

Allan said...

JS,CW: I'll suffer through it for you. Someone needs to pay witness.

FEE: Um. Ok.

whimsical brainpan said...

You have an award at my place. I'll be back to visit later.

whimsical brainpan said...


I love the bit about the deja vu machine.