I spent Wednesday in West Virginia with my cousin, who was cleaning out her brother's house in anticipation of the auction house picking up the bulk of his belongings . It's amazing how much stuff he had...some was being sold at auction, some went to trash and some was given away. I found some nice clothes that fit me and got a bike ( save me some gas!) and also received some old vinyl records- I mean old; big , thick slabs of 78 RPM vinyl! I haven't sorted them yet, I might have to borrow a turntable to play them...on top of the pile was a Mahalia Jackson record, which is a good sign, I think. I'm psyched. I bet I can get a great show out of them. Or two.
Then we went shopping. I haven't been shopping for years. Seriously. I can't remember the last time I went to a mall...there is a higher statistical probability of spotting a tornado at an area mall than there is of seeing me.
I have a job interview today and my cuz wanted to buy me some new shoes for it- my 'best' shoes until then were hiking boots- she proved to be patient as well as generous- we passed this 'monument' as we headed towards the Food Court and I had to stop and take a pic.
It's in the middle of a mall and it reads : "Dedicated to those who honorably served our country" .

I'm all for honoring our veterans, but placing a memorial inside a shopping mall disturbs me- in my opinion, putting this monument next to the Food Court shows about as much class and respect as imprinting urinal cakes with the POW/MIA logo.
I actually experienced culture shock while in this mall. I felt like a tourist in a foreign land. We also went to an adjoining Wal-Mart. I know that I have been to one before, but it's been years...five, ten? I was unprepared for what I saw:

This place is so large it has a vanishing point.

Today I had a job interview. I'd be operating the controls at the local planetarium. It's sort of a cross between a movie projectionist and a carnival ride operator. They asked some technical questions and I passed. It's only one or two shifts per week, but it's better than nothing. Plus it sounds fun. I hope I get it.
Did I mention the bike? It's a nice one. I took it to a nearby park.

Tomorrow I start my two-day stint at NASCAR. I'm not sure what I'm doing there but it's supposed to be 30 or so hours in two days- almost a paycheck! I may wind up with four or five part-time jobs...I even picked up a Starbucks application, although I haven't inked it yet.
See ya after the Races!
What's your bike's name? She looks so bright and banana colored, I might suggest Chiquita.
But I leave the final selection up to you.
I want to get my bike out of the cellar and start riding it. I have a Woman's trek mountain bike. I have always ridden mens bikes. So this is nice for me. Bruce bought it second hand and got a deal.
I agree with you about the monument, it should be out side somewhere nice.
Awwww Super Center Walmart. I live a mile away from one and when people ask me where do you live and Itell them they go OMG you live by Super Walmart like it's a good thing...East Coast was culture shock for me. I really need to get back home soon.
Love the color of your new bike!
Let me warn you: being a coffee barista is lot harder than you might think. It's a lot like being a coffee bartender, only you have to actually "brew" the expresso and the tips are lousy. Also, the coffee drinkers are all pretty "type A" and can be very impatient. Believe me, if you start working there you will ALWAYS remember to tip your barista from now on.
you are so so right, i am going to dust off my bike. even if my legs are a little too long for the peddals.
listen to beth, its alllll true...
you really need to name the bike billypilgrim names all his bikes...my bike when i was a kid was blosom bailey ...glad you got some new chews...and hope you get the job and good luck with starfucks..i can honestly say...i have never been inside of one...
From NASCAR to a Planetarium! Things are definately looking up for you my friend. That was a really lousy pun but as I have no decent suggestions for a bike name I'm sticking with it. Also, I am all gooey with envy over those oldy records. mmmmm...
Hi, nice blog. I followed links in.
Mahalia Jackson? Alright! It all goes back to that, doesn't it. ...a lot of it does.
Right on about that McMonument in that mall - what an insult.
The first thing you should do with that bike is learn how to ride a wheelie that lasts for like three blocks! And learn bunny-hops too.
Holy crap!..78's!
What a treasure.
There seems to be trend of new bike riders about bloggertown.This is a good sign.You get to keep in shape,and screw the oil companies at the same time.
Both the mall and Wal-Mart scare me. And you're right, putting a memorial next to a food court is sacrilegious.
Nice bike!
A little culture shock eh?
You're right about the memorial thingamabob...but when you look at the USA through the eyes of a Foreigner you see a huge Military Monolith and a perpetual War Economy that has been in place since rescuing the nation from the Great Depression.
As for the excess of the gigantic 'Mallwort' it is depressing...nothing better symbollizes the schism between choosing lower prices vs securing jobs for Americans than the Walmart.
I just watched Cloverfield this week and the alien monstrosity was a metaphor for the Walmart chain simultaneously destroying the fabric of society but everybody was running to see it...and then from it.
Enjoy your bike.
Whim- Thanks!
Donn- That is how I see America and I was born here.
cool! a bike and new clothes!!
that shop is immense... and i cannot believe they have a mickey d's INSIDE the grocery store!!
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