Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Bad News, Good News

The Bad News first: According to NASA, the Earth will not be destroyed by a comet in the year 2126. Shucks. I just bought comet insurance, but I think I got burned.

Good News: Aug 11 and 12 should be very good nights for meteor shower viewing. Head to the country, away from lights- NASA recommends you lie on a sleeping bag and stare up at the sky between two a.m. and dawn for the best display. I'm not sure what role the sleeping bag plays, I'll probably borrow a lawn chair myself. (If I lie down on anything remotely comfortable at 4 a.m. on a worknight, I'll fall asleep). Have to go to bed early and get out there Thursday morn.

Bad News: The rumours that the comet's filament will rain deadly space-borne microbes down on us, bringing a swift, flesh-eating cosmic Ebola virus, ending life as we know it- are false. The reality is that it harbors a dormant race of sentient, ambulatory fungus creatures who will enslave us and force us to do their evil mushroom bidding.

Really Bad News: The change will be so subtle no one will even notice when this happens.

1 comment:

Herself said...

mmmmm.mushroom biddingggggggg....