Monday, August 16, 2004

Never Listens

By now, I am fairly certain that you must like me a little bit. Well, OK, more than a little. You know how I feel, since I can't seem to stop telling you.
So why won't you listen to anything I say? Sorry. You listen to my statements, but you don't answer my questions. You didn't even listen to the CD I gave you. You won't read this either. I wish you would, but you won't.
You don't want to meet any of my friends, you don't want me to meet your kids. That hurts me. I feel like I'm a dirty secret.Whatother secrets do you have? I don't know.
I'm in a strange place and I don't speak the language. I haven't played this game for so long I've forgotten the rules. Truth, I've never quite understood the rules. So give me a clue, because I'm getting all mixed-up.

You kept that scribble poem I wrote for you. That's a good sign.
Yes it is.
Where are you when you aren't here?
I know where I am.
I'm nowhere at all.

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