Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Quit or Fired

I got fired two weeks ago and didn't even know it. It's been a good week at work for a change. Got a (small) retroactive raise, and some real work to do. After talking to my boss today, they are keeping me on- if Florida gets crushed I might get sent there. My evaluation was tops, but they won't give me a real job with benefits, just more work as a temp. I count my blessings- I'm feeling freakin' lucky to have a living wage and a decent boss.
When I got home today, I had a message from the temp agency asking me why I got fired. Fired two weeks ago. Call the 888#! This pretty much kills my buzz.
I have my new schedule (w/ overtime!) in my hand while I'm getting my post-mortem pink slip read to me on the phone.
It's a mistake, when my account was updated it was accidentally closed. The Company says it'll be ok.
I better get paid this week.


Lyzard said...

How very bizarre!

Once I got a supervisor position I had applied for at a previous job and two weeks after I started working that schedule, I got a letter informing me that I had not gotten the job and they had found someone more qualified.

It was a mistake, but they did forget to pay me. I made them cut me a check same day. They did.

Allan said...

I got paid today. Good thing, too. If I wanted to work for free,I'd join a band. (Actually ,I'm considering doing just that)