Wednesday, September 08, 2004


I'm surrounded by the weak and the stupid. I overhear shit that makes me wanna scream/laugh/launch into a thirty minute diatribe about why a one-party system is either a monarchy or a dictatorship. Ranting against monarchy is suddenly un-American. There's not much comfort in the irony.

I hear this: "After this election there won't be any Democrats."

I think this: That's a fuckin' creepy thing to say. What's going to happen to all the Dems? Are they all going to turn into Zell Miller? Where the fuck does Office Lady get her information?

I do this: Punch holes in paper.

I hear this: " My brother sent me an email saying Clinton faked his heart attack to distract from Bush's speeches."

I think this: It wasn't a heart attack. Then again, email never lies.

I do this: Use my forehead to operate the hole-puncher.

I hear this: "It says here that if Kerry gets elected we'll have terror again."

I think this: We'll have terror again? Could you clarify that statement? Office Lady panics in the presence of tiny spiders-it's a safe bet she's going to have terror again even if Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny win the election and appoint a re-incarnated Mr. Rogers as Chief of the Department of Fuzzy-Wuzzy Feelings.

I do this: Use my finger to trace the u-shaped indentation the hole-punch has created on my forehead.

Only three and a half weeks until my next day off.

Tomorrow is football!

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