Friday, October 15, 2004

My New Tattoo

My new tattoo is a vampire tattoo. It’s not a picture of a bat, or inverted crosses or any such nonsense-it’s a vampire tat in the sense that it cannot be seen in mirrors, it doesn’t photograph and it sucks the life out of me.

It’s on my forehead. I’m the only one who can’t see it.

It says “CHUMP”.

I want to hold your hand
the one without the knife
but with those hands
- held behind
the burial shroud of
disinterred ghosts
I make the wrong choice every time

Words framed by Mobius Lips
spoken with a sporked tongue
familar plastic grips
-left behind
I'm the new trash that
lets itself out when
it's time for the old trash to arrive


Spoken like a true chump.


Herself said...

thats not very nice

Allan said...

Ya know what they say-"if you can't say anything nice, blog instead" or something...