Thursday, December 02, 2004

There Ya Go

Not everything sucks.

Not every ringing phone is a death knell.

Sometimes it's a seance with the living.



Remember the Pixies?

The band? Yeah, they were great. Those were the days. (sigh)

Monday. Pixies play and you get in free. Pick ya up, drop you off. OK?

I'm OK with that. Gosh, I'm very much in favor of that.

I've never been ritchin famous, but I have some great friends anyway.

Not rock stars, nor producers of for-shit television shows that get canceled -just good friends.
That is the way the world should work.

Verbal grind away.

Give me the microphone , give me the outrage.

Gimmee my most awesome weapon- a handmade 1985 B.C. Rico Guitar. My Voice.

Just give me something worth fighting for. Please define what is and what isn't worth dying for.


No. No honest person does.

All I know is that I cry more than any grown man ever should.

I'm sick of fucking body counts. I grew up watching the 'Nam on TV, wondering if one of my family friends was in that particular body bag. I should have had a childhood. The war robbed me of all innocence. Watergate helped a lot. Ha ha , I'm a funny guy.

Such a great time to grow up in...hey, it's 2004 -do you know where your kids are?

Hunkered down in the rubble of a Mosul police station? Carrying a dying child to a clinic that stopped existing because a 500-pound bomb went astray?
Do you know what it's like to be fired upon from 3,6, 9 and 12 ?

Nobody should. You do not want your kids in the crosshairs of Baghdad.

No more war. No more dead children.

You people voted for more war.
You are 59 million idiots strong , but I can roll you all -one at a time or all at once in the alley.

Yeah, someone could be stronger or smarter, but I'm not good at that stuff, so I will just wait for you to die of stupidity. Shouldn't take long.

My Second Amendment is much larger than yours, punk.

So you resign? Whose bitch are you anyway?

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