Today is my Grannie's 85th (!) birthday. Myself, my best friend from high school and his lovely wife- (3rd anniversary comin' up-congrats!)- drove up to have a nice lunch w/ her and various and sundry relatives. Then we went to visit his folks, whom I've not seen in many moons. It was a good day.
That's two (2) good days in a row. I think this last occurred sometime in the late '90's .
Of course, tomorrow is Monday- back to the Firm. One week to go-then the office shuts down.
My boss really likes me- he's a fine fellow, he is. I'm getting this vibe that I'm going to be offered a permanent position. Not sure what my reply would be.
I wonder what would happen if they found out that:
-I sorta, kinda made up that thing about having a Master's.
-I have not taken and will not submit to a urine test. My work is always good, even if my lifestyle isn't. (It's just pot-i'm not a wild-eyed and crazed meth-head or anything. Lately I've been telling teen-age interns to avoid dope. I'm still amused by the irony of this.)
Deal with it or find someone else. I don't care. Isn't 40+ hrs a week enough? You wish to dictate my behavior during those precious few hours that aren't devoured by work , getting ready for work and getting to/from work? Get bent.
- I have a criminal record. Three guesses what for.
And ya know? I really don't care. I can take care of I just fine 'cos I don't need what they need.
They sneer at my duct-taped '89 Honda. I laugh at the idea of monthly car payments nearly equal to my rent. Don't mistake me- a new car would be nice, but the old one still runs.
Most importantly, my new role at the radio station has rekindled my passion for music, engineering and the creative/technical process in general. The station is making a positive change here in Fallentown , I'm helping to make the station better, hence I'm contributing to the general good. Alone, I'm diddly-squat, but it's a team effort and it feels pretty damn good to be part of it.
Paranoid postscript: Like any proper blogger, I check my 'hits' , comments and whatnot. There's a clear pattern: When I'm despairing, angry , depressed , broken-hearted (#1 fave) or otherwise miserable; I get a lot of traffic. A happy post makes the second half of binary code superfluous .
Queries: How do you, dear reader- how do you know the emotional state of my posts w/ out even seeing them? I don't know how to interpret most of my jeremiads , prophetic visions, claptrap, rants and flat-out fabricated news items-and i write the shit.
What method of of telepathy/remote viewing are you using?
I need a new conspiracy-help me out here, wouldja?
Well I just haven't been around much for posts of any emotional state. Mainly because I blog my bit and then run out of time for anything else. (We're shorthanded at work currently.)
Anyway, I'm reading it all when I do find my way back. But you knew that already. :)
It's kinda hard to concoct a satisfactory conspiracy theory based on that comment.
It's the thought that counts.
Happy icons.
its just a good guess
perhaps when you cry, the world is crying...mainly because we all get disparaged by the same b.s. that is being broadcast in the media. then we seek your posts out for solidarity, validation, and insight...? d3
You seem quite sane to me, PSM.
Three cheers for beater Hondas!
Hip! Hip! Ducttape!
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