Friday, July 15, 2005

Good-Bye To All That

Today was my last day at the Bank. I didn't really have any work to do, so I was able to kick back and observe the human dynamic of this money-hive. I wound up talking to some of the workers I'd not really met and having good conversations with my work-pals.
I had some minor revelations while doing so.

1) By consensus, all the Bank temps feel dehumanized and alienated, though they didn't phrase it like that. For example: Red-Head Office Babe tells me that she was waiting to ask Boss a question and noticed he was on phone with the Temp Agency Witch . They were talking about R.H.O.B.! Boss pulled up an attendance sheet and told TAW that Babe was always on time and was satisfactory. Gee, thanks.
Babe was pissed. Boss didn't even know her name or who she was-she was standing right there.

2) The permanent employees are consumed by their drudgery to the point that it's all they really know about. That doesn't make them bad people, in fact I see some of them as victims- they've had their natural creativity drained by over-exposure to Corporate Propaganda and Pressure, always urging them to ACHIEVE! - EFFECENCY! (sic) or double-speak BS : A Great Yesterday, A Better Tomorrow. The latter slogan is my personal fave , as it allows for the very real possibility that today sucks. Tomorrow will probably be worse than today, making yesterday seem great by comparison and leaving one longing for tomorrow , which surely must be better. I mean , how could it possibly get worse?

Find out tomorrow.

Perhaps I acted rashly by quitting without having an official new job, but I'm very optimistic about the VCU job. I've saved enough to coast for a while if it falls through. I'm resourceful enough to get by. My Twin once remarked that I had an uncanny ability "pull money out of [my] ass." ( He might be moving to NYC soon, which would be great-I'd miss Chicago visits, but NY would be a lot closer)

The important thing was for me to get away from the damncube world before it's too late. I feel better already.


Lyzard said...

I think the twin should move to NY so that when you come visit him you can visit me too.

Craig still owes you that hero's lunch. :)

Susannity said...

I think back on all those times when people say find a job doing something you love. That is so nice if possible, but reality is it is hard to do and make a living sometimes. Hence, the zomboid factor.

Herself said...

is pie a job?

Allan said...

pie is it's own reward