Thursday, August 11, 2005

Hey, C'mon In

Howdy! Thanks for stopping by. We're on the second floor of the two-brownish buildings in the middle.


I'd like to give you a hand carrying all that stuff up the stairs, but I , er, um have a bad back. I mean arm. But let me put that beer in the fridge for you.


Smiling people will greet you as you enter. (L to R, Dustin, tinydj and James)


Mike on the mic in Studio A. Shhhh... he's on-the-air.


This is where I work- Studio B.


A prime example of "guerilla wiring". Somehow, it all works.


Vicki and Christian acting goofy:


Ok. Time for the meeting. Squeeze down this here hallway.


Quite a turn-out. Here's a seat in the back.


And a view from the front:


I like the skylights, stained glass and plants.


Meeting is over. Mingle a bit.


Our meetings are really cool. Due to neccesity, many of us communicate through email, phone calls and post-it notes, so it's nice to be able to meet in person. The networking aspect doesn't hurt either- helps me find free-lance audio work. Don't know why, but I keep getting complimented on my engineering prowess. If I can find a handful of bands to work with, I won't have to worry about finding a job. Many phone numbers were exchanged-I hope something comes of it.

On the down-side, we still need somewhere to hold the concert. Rich Guy doesn't want the publicity, as his fan base is ultra-conservative and might boycott him or something. He didn't phrase it like that, but it's not hard to figure out. Still, since we are shooting for late spring/early summer of next year, something should turn up. We may have to charge a few sheckles, but it'll the idea is to keep it cheaper than a movie.

Anyway, thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoyed it.

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